View Full Version : Who pays the bills?

09-13-2020, 04:50 AM
I find it fascinating that in the USA, niggers hate white people so much.

Without white people and humans, niggers would not have:

Free Housing
Free Food
Free and Clean Water
Equal Rights (although I genuinely think niggers don't deserve them, especially now)
The End of Slavery (slavery is still a thing in Africa)
White Wimminz (although there should be laws forbidding miscegenation between humans and niggers, different races of humans should absolutely be allowed to date, marry, and have kids)
Nigger Universities where they can live for free and pursue a higher education (LOL)
The Internet
Bling (it's not like niggers ever figured out what to do with the riches under their feet)
NFL/NBA/NCAA/etc. (Sports as they are now need to die and be replaced with all human participants)
A Functioning Government
Sliced Bread
Wakanda (a human invented the concept)

Honestly, any modern invention you can think of was either produced by a white person or a human. No niggers were ever involved in making anything better for humankind.

All the niggers do is bitch and moan about everything humans have given them, and then they demand the extinction of the white race and the destruction of human civilization.

Why are so may humans "woke?" Why don't they realize that they are the majority, and why don't they realize that they don't have to do anything that the niggers tell them to do?

Is there really anything anyone can do if martial law is declared and the Jim Crow laws are forcibly enforced? (I imagine martial law would be a temporary thing, until the niggers learn their place and/or are exported back to Africa, with their American citizenship revoked. Their citizenship, welfare monies, and gibsmedats should be revoked even if they remain in the USA; they do not deserve the rights and privileges that American citizens have.)

Coon Club Road
09-13-2020, 11:29 AM
America still needs ditch niggers. (Damn autocorrect) ...Ditch Diggers! :lol

09-13-2020, 05:50 PM
And that’s why the media is working so hard to convince you that all of that was invented by niggers. They really want to change history.

Blue Gum
09-13-2020, 07:11 PM
The best way to have taken care of the nigger problem would've been for our founding fathers to write it into The Constitution that niggers are NEVER EVER to be given ANY kind of citizenship AND to Deport them..never should've given them a foothold...the stinking violent nigger animal doesn't belong in this hemisphere.

09-22-2020, 12:33 PM
You are so correct. The chimps don't contribute to society, yet demand their share of the rewards.

Without the white man paying for everything the apes have, they would have to actually work for their shit

animal mother
09-22-2020, 01:40 PM
The best way to have taken care of the nigger problem would've been for our founding fathers to write it into The Constitution that niggers are NEVER EVER to be given ANY kind of citizenship AND to Deport them..never should've given them a foothold...the stinking violent nigger animal doesn't belong in this hemisphere.

Back in the 1780's niggers were considered useful farm equipment and they had "value". The founding fathers were geniuses but they could have never foreseen the consequences of the unleashing of these vile beasts.

09-22-2020, 02:24 PM
They were set free. First mistake. They were given citizenship. Second. They were given rights. Third. They were told they were equal. They were integrated into society. They were made into sports stars and entertainers. They were told they could muhdikk and produce "beautiful" children. They were worshipped.

A long line of lies and mistakes. There's few of us, but we fight on.

Jim Crow
09-22-2020, 03:10 PM
Liberal nigger lovers can rewrite history to make niggers look like they were important.But after being around a nigger beast spook piece of dung for more than 10 seconds it will be obvious that it is fake history.Niggers haven’t even discovered personal hygiene or how to act civilized.How in the fuck would you expect someone with half a brain to believe that a fucking monkey shit skin would be intelligent enough to do anything more than loot or riot? Look at them now. Burning looting and rioting in the streets. I can’t wait till Trump wins a second term and declares martial law.Chimps need to be controlled. Because the liberals obviously aren’t strong enough to control their little pets. The savage unruly, ones need to be corralled and put in a cage for they belong,along with the white pieces of shit that are instigating the apes!Once in a cage together, the primates can turn those little white bitches into their fuck toys!