View Full Version : What’s worse, niggers or mudslimes?

09-08-2020, 11:31 AM
Niggers have always been a menace on society, but they are just animals so they don’t know better. Mudslimes, on the other hand, breed like rabbits, aren’t afraid to kill their own children in the name of Allalala and are generally the greatest threat to western civilization. Thoughts?

09-08-2020, 02:30 PM
On the one hand, you have worthless life forms that will breed like rabbits and aren't afraid to kill their own offspring, and they will rob, muh dikk you, and kill you, for no reason whatsoever. On the other hand, you have worthless life forms that will breed like rabbits and aren't afraid to kill their own offspring, and they will rob, al-dikk you, and kill you, for Allah or any other reason. I think both are just as bad. Look at Middle East cities where someone keeps a firm hand on the crowds, and you have a few nice-looking buildings where the rulers live, in the middle of a region of poverty and filth. Look at nigger-run cities in the U.S. or Africa where someone keeps a firm hand on the crowds, and you have a few nice-looking buildings where the rulers live, in the middle of a region of poverty and filth.

I don't think Islam made any difference with Middle East savages. They were already savages, and that's why Muhammad (Piss Be Upon Him) got so many followers so fast.

09-08-2020, 03:57 PM
How about the combo of niggers and mudslimes? A work of the devil!

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-08-2020, 04:32 PM
A question of such weight and importance demands that we look to science for answers.

The First law of Negrology tells us: Everything is ALWAYS worse with Negroes.

The damage caused by ass-lifters can usually be mitigated by carpet bombing the shit out of them. Niggers, on the other hand, are protected vermin that must not be held responsible in any way for their beastly behavior. Look what's happening right now in many big cities. Niggers are committing violent crimes at will -- many times against police officers, and are celebrated by the left and MSM for it.

So my answer is, "niggers". Based upon science, niggers are the worst.

09-08-2020, 06:25 PM
There is almost no deviation between the two with the one notable exception that muslims can be brainwashed humans. Niggers can never achieve humanity. The call is tough but I will also say niggers are worse. Simply because they can be both nigger and muslim.

Jim Crow
09-08-2020, 07:44 PM
They are both equally as fucked up.Niggers steal rape and kill humans.Muzzies want to fuck goats rape boys mass murder humans with bombs.Toss up!

09-08-2020, 08:29 PM
I say sandniggers because:
1) Some sandniggers are really rich. They use that wealth to educate themselves, get Westernized, in other words trying to beat us at our own game. Niggers, on the other hand, are just nigger rich.
2) Sandniggers have organized societies that we do business with. They use their $$$$ to buy our aircraft, weapons, etc. They come as friends, like spies, then shoot our soldiers in our forts. It's like sleeping with the enemy. Niggers - US niggers are too dumb to advance in the military. Other niggers from Africa - they don't have money to send their soldiers here for training.
3) Sandnigs fight for Allah and Islam. Some semblance of idealism. Niggers, they fight for more EBT, white whore burners, KFC. Easier to neutralize.
4) Some sandniggers look human. Harder to spot. Unless you hear filthy Arabic or Persian, you don't know. Could be a Mexican. They are more wily and hidden. Proof: 9-11. Nigger Amin could not have attempted that.
5) Our own government has close ties to "allies" Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, etc. Nigger Africa governments? Insignificant.
5) Niggers have been here and at least we know who they are. Islamists - Pakis, Persians, Arabs, Bangladeshis - still come here, and again in the guise of friendship, but they just take and don't give a fuck at all. Why we allow camel jock names in as immigrants, I don't know.
6) Sandnigs have the means to inflict swift damage. They have the motive - Islam. Opportunity: 9-11. I'm sure our patriots and agents work hard to deter and foil such planned attacks. Niggers - they're not as organized. Sandnigs pose a more clear and present danger. Niggers, they're just mostly feral, albeit also very destructive.

Niggers are the devils we know better. Sandniggers are the devils who pretend to be our friends, and the devil we know less.

Coon Club Road
09-08-2020, 09:03 PM
If either or lived by the rules of society, people wouldn't even notice the color of their skin.

But they don't... and we do.

It identifies trouble... color coding you might say!

Avoid them all always!!!

09-08-2020, 11:13 PM

09-09-2020, 10:11 AM
Asking which is worse, niggers or mudslimes, is like asking if you;d rather get kicked with a steel toe boot in the balls or hit with a lead pipe there. Neither option is good, both are awful.

09-09-2020, 10:28 AM
Hey, Sandman, Israel is such a crowded place. Don't the Jews need a parking lot? How about Iraq or Iran? Would Saudi Arabia create enough parking spaces?

09-09-2020, 01:13 PM
How about the combo of niggers and mudslimes? A work of the devil!

Years ago I noticed how niggerish Moussaoui is, like half and half, but in a more recent pic he's looking more like 75% nigger. There's been a lot of inbreeding between dune coons and sand niggers for thousands of years. The Arabian Nights begins with the king discovering his new wife and her friends are mudsharks.

12366 12367

09-11-2020, 06:34 PM
In my country majority of the niggers are Somalicoons and they are also asslifters. Are they even niggers or some even lower life form? Biggest shits on earth, even other niggers hate them though that's not very surprising since niggers hate everyone and everything.

I understand that in US the obsolete farm equipment roaming freely in the streets cause the biggest problems but I'd say in Europe asslifters are generally even bigger problem. There's almost daily headlines about some filthy Somalis, Iraqis or Afgans raping underaged girls and it's just unbelievable how the leftard piece of shits try to cover that up and make it sound like it's not a big deal. Although in most cases the victims are naive teenagers who willingly hang with those beasts. Parents and mainstream media is to blame.

Please God, let the COVID-19 transform into something that wipes niggers and asslifters off for good!

Comandante Groid
09-12-2020, 03:44 PM
How about the combo of niggers and mudslimes? A work of the devil!

Also known as Zoomalis

Comandante Groid
09-12-2020, 04:00 PM
In my country majority of the niggers are Somalicoons and they are also asslifters. Are they even niggers or some even lower life form? Biggest shits on earth, even other niggers hate them though that's not very surprising since niggers hate everyone and everything.

I understand that in US the obsolete farm equipment roaming freely in the streets cause the biggest problems but I'd say in Europe asslifters are generally even bigger problem. There's almost daily headlines about some filthy Somalis, Iraqis or Afgans raping underaged girls and it's just unbelievable how the leftard piece of shits try to cover that up and make it sound like it's not a big deal. Although in most cases the victims are naive teenagers who willingly hang with those beasts. Parents and mainstream media is to blame.

Please God, let the COVID-19 transform into something that wipes niggers and asslifters off for good!


The answer to this question depends on the grade of exposure to the different kinds of subhumans. More niggers around: niggers are worst: more mudslimes around: mudslimes are worst. It's also possible to get a little philosophical and say that the answer depends on what you mean by "worst"; "worst" in what respect? If you go through all the possible meanings of worst I think the result will be that they are both worst. But worst in different ways.
Based on my own experience and feelings, I'd say that the zoomali are about the worst along with the new invasive subhuman spieces Hazara the asian version of the zoomali, the result of the mogols use of systematic rape as a weapon in their conquests. The result is something looking like a cross between a chinese and a baboon's ass.