View Full Version : Leave your scooter parked there nigger and see what happens to it.

Buck Simian
09-04-2020, 11:39 PM
So i am in a local Dollar Store the other day ( Why the Hell would i do that?) I have a shopping cart with several large items in it. Push it out to my car and load my stuff up. Then i do something very white. The store is rather small, they do not have a cart corral in the parking lot so i take my cart back over to the entrance of the store where the carts belong. I am probably less than 10 feet away from the door and some teenage nigger - around 13-14 comes zipping right in front of me on some little scooter, flings the damn thing down on the ground right in the doorway and walks on in the store. I mean he just jumped off the thing right there and dropped it right in the doorway. Nobody could get in or out with it sitting there. So i one upped the nigger. I took my shopping cart, lifted it up and threw it down on top of his scooter. I wish i had hung around to see his reaction but i drove off. The thing was probably stolen as he looked too old to be riding one, it was one of these little kid scooters like this:


Niggers, they have absolutely no respect for anyone or anything.

Coon Club Road
09-05-2020, 12:38 AM
When I worked in the ghetto, all the little mom and pop corner groceries... (no longer mom and pop but dune & coon) would have bicycles tipped over right in front of every doorway.

The nigger kids were too lazy to lean them up against the yellow poles.

Fucking niggers.

09-05-2020, 04:10 AM
Wasn't there a garbage can by the front door? Since the teenigger obviously discarded it as trash, I would have deposited there. It just seems like the responsible thing to do as a good citizen to keep the neighborhood clean. Maybe if the nigger saw you do it, it might just start cleaning up after itself in the same manner.