View Full Version : San Antonio Nigger Gets Mouthy With Po Po CNN Stokes Race War

Nigger Wrangler
08-30-2020, 12:22 AM
It's no secret CNN is a dishonest outfit. Here's the perfect example.

Police were looking for a violent suspect. This nigger jogger fit the description so police stopped to investigate.

Instead of acting like a civilized human being, the nigger ooked and eeeked and refused to cooperate. Wouldn't even give the cops his name. Obviously the cops couldn't rule the nigger out as the suspect.

The stupid nigger could have been on his way in minutes but instead got arrested.

Niggers are so stupid!

Look for the riots and looting to commence shortly


08-30-2020, 01:15 AM
Look for the riots and looting to commence shortly.

Considering humans are the majority in the USA...

What is preventing them from utilizing the ol' Iron Fist to establish discipline, and then rewriting history in a couple years?

Most Americans seem to lack the ability to remember what happens from century to century (despite exhaustive documentation), so presenting an altered history should present no difficulty for a generation that can't seem to process what happens within 12 hour periods.

I'm starting to think the average American IQ is 75 instead of the traditional 95 (which is still unimpressive).

08-30-2020, 07:59 AM
The Coon News Network is dire and they are slowly going extinct. Most folk are now aware that news outlets have agendas pushed by their owners and your own determination is needed to discover the truth.

08-30-2020, 08:36 AM
The Coon News Network is dire and they are slowly going extinct. Most folk are now aware that news outlets have agendas pushed by their owners and your own determination is needed to discover the truth.

For the life of me, I cannot understand how they are still around. I thought they would die quickly after the Desert Storm due to their blatant fakery of on scene "news" shot in the studio with desert scenes in green screen complete with fans blowing plastic palm trees and CBR siren sound effects. That was in the 90's and they have only gotten worse since then. How are they making enough revenue to even stay afloat being at the bottom of the ratings unless they are being subsidized?

08-30-2020, 10:54 AM
For the life of me, I cannot understand how they are still around. I thought they would die quickly after the Desert Storm due to their blatant fakery of on scene "news" shot in the studio with desert scenes in green screen complete with fans blowing plastic palm trees and CBR siren sound effects. That was in the 90's and they have only gotten worse since then. How are they making enough revenue to even stay afloat being at the bottom of the ratings unless they are being subsidized?

Here is an article on CNN explaining why they are attempting to present a false reality: They want Biden to win!


Former Vice President Joe Biden and President Donald Trump both recognize the potential political fallouts if protests in the wake of the Jacob Blake shooting are seen as peaceful or as violent. Biden benefits if they are seen as the former, while Trump is helped if they are seen as the latter.

Additionally, Americans' perspective on the protests seem to be changing. The percentage of Americans who see the protests as "mostly legitimate" dipped from 62% in June to 53% in August, according to a recent NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist College poll. Meanwhile, the percentage who believe them mostly people acting unlawfully rose from 28% to 38%.

This has been occurring as support for Black Lives Matter has fallen back and opposition has risen, as noted by FiveThirtyEight's Perry Bacon.

The net approval rating (approval - disapproval) for the protests fell from +27 points to -1 point during the same time period.

So they are trying to manipulate how we see the protests... it's a shame that the Communist News Network has no interest on reporting the news as it is.

Blue Gum
08-30-2020, 12:09 PM
Why don't these stupid stinking niggers just COMPLY??? even these niggers that have been Goodified in the news lately, if the stinking black bastards had've just complied, they'd probably be out of jail by now and going back to what a nigger does...smoke crack and drinking a 40 oz malt liquor....lol

Jim Crow
08-30-2020, 03:53 PM
Liberal news media is the problem. The other ones provoking racism and violence with their lies and mincing of truths.. And the monkey niggers and white liberal nigger lovin sheep are ignorant enough to believe them.

08-30-2020, 04:02 PM
For the life of me, I cannot understand how they are still around. I thought they would die quickly after the Desert Storm due to their blatant fakery of on scene "news" shot in the studio with desert scenes in green screen complete with fans blowing plastic palm trees and CBR siren sound effects. That was in the 90's and they have only gotten worse since then. How are they making enough revenue to even stay afloat being at the bottom of the ratings unless they are being subsidized?

That's exactly what's happening and how CNN and MSNBC manage to stay on the air. Cable providers like Spectrum, ATT, etc.. prop these channels up by including them in every cable tv package they offer. Even the supposedly a la carte Sling tv service includes CNN in their "packages".

08-31-2020, 08:21 AM
Considering humans are the majority in the USA...

What is preventing them from utilizing the ol' Iron Fist to establish discipline, and then rewriting history in a couple years?

Most Americans seem to lack the ability to remember what happens from century to century (despite exhaustive documentation), so presenting an altered history should present no difficulty for a generation that can't seem to process what happens within 12 hour periods.

I'm starting to think the average American IQ is 75 instead of the traditional 95 (which is still unimpressive).

That average factors in niggers and millions of illegals. That is why averages are bullshit. It is like saying the average world IQ is about 60 because we have to factor in a billion niggers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

08-31-2020, 10:19 AM
That average factors in niggers and millions of illegals. That is why averages are bullshit. It is like saying the average world IQ is about 60 because we have to factor in a billion niggers.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Can you honestly make the argument that niggers are not dragging down the average intelligence of the world?