View Full Version : West is pushing Japan to love niggers.

Cat fur allergic
08-28-2020, 03:58 AM
Black Lives Matter pushes Japan to confront racism
Andreas Illmer - BBC News


08-28-2020, 04:23 AM
Not gonna happen. Japan already has snow monkeys, but those are playful, docile, and cute, the exact opposite of niggers.

08-28-2020, 06:22 AM
Not gonna happen. Japan already has snow monkeys, but those are playful, docile, and cute, the exact opposite of niggers.

They also have a strong sense of family, community and bath frequently:
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F_BgvgGC1Xcw%2F hqdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1
Look, he's reading the article and flipping off BLM for trying to bring niggerdom to his mountain paradise.

Whitey Ford
09-07-2020, 01:10 PM
There's actually a youtube channel called something like 'Black In Japan' or something where the nigs make videos with titles like 'If you're black don't come to Japan, theyz raycisss!' and whatnot.

Wait, it's called Black Experience Japan. Niggers scream raycisssms, muh dik and whatnot. This nigger is warning other niggers about muh dik with their women (yuck! gross! Hack!) Starts at the 12:40 mark.


Chimp Detester
09-07-2020, 08:14 PM
--1. It ooks that in Japan it doesn't have to be watching its back nor its wallet. DUH!! There are few niggers there!

--2. It ooks that when Japanese women see it knuckle drag near them on the street or in a bar, they quickly move away. DUH!! You are a filthy nigger!

--3. It ooks that some Japanese believe that it will steal from them because of its skin color. DUH!! That is nature's warning bell to humans to beware!

--4. Notice the popo hooptie parked behind it and the cop did not move the entire time this pavement ape ooked.

--5. Three cheers for Japan for having such few NIGGERS!

Coon Club Road
09-07-2020, 11:11 PM
...--5. Three cheers for Japan for having such few NIGGERS!

I've mentioned this before but worth repeating.

I've never been to Japan but I have been to Germany and can assure you niggers are far and few in between.

I commented to a German friend about my observation and he told me the only niggers that came to Germany were U.S. servicemen, ordinary niggers stayed out because they saw what Hitler did to perfectly good white people!

09-08-2020, 03:19 AM
It ooks that when Japanese women see it knuckle drag near them on the street or in a bar, they quickly move away. DUH!! You are a filthy nigger!

The Japanese people don't just forgive and forget quite so easily. They still remember vividly the incident in 1995 when 3 nigger service members kidnapped and brutally raped a 12 y/o girl. This international incident cost the USN, USMC, and our country dearly in goodwill earned since WWII.

They only got 10 years in a Japanese prison for their crimes and upon release, only received the Big Chicken Dinner over it. To show it's appreciation for mercy, one of them would go on to rape and murder again once back in the US. Thankfully, it did the right thing and self goodified immediately thereafter. Personally, I would have given them a Dishonorable Discharge and life in Leavenworth since they knew damn well the damage that this would do to our relations with a nation needed as a strategic ally. American forces have been forced to reduce the number of operational units and personnel in Okinawa and across Japan for this and numerous other violent monkeyshines.

I tell my daughter to move away from them as well.

09-08-2020, 05:02 AM
I remember this story well. It happened in Okinawa. The three rapists should have been given their death penalty, but I'm sure they relented to keep our relationship intact. Such a great sacrifice on their part. Honor and dignity are paramount to their culture.

Japanese culture is, different. Weird, you might even say. Misogynistic, they have rape and other pedophilia fantasies common in their comics and graphic novels. For the most part, they remain fantasies.

There are also "true Japanese" and "other Japanese". Okinawans are seen as different, so are Ainus. The equivalent to this are the Lapps in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Even if your parents are 100% ethnic Japanese by blood, and you were not born there, you're not truly Japanese.

I'm sure they don't want all the niggers to pollute their way of life. They don't believe in diversity. They'd rather die than allow dilution of their identity, and it's headed there. Virtually no immigration, their birth rate is declining. They make us American conservatives look like liberals in their views about ethnicity and national origin.

I aint bin dun did dat!
09-08-2020, 11:25 AM
Anyone with average intelligence can see that the niggers just want coddled and given everything for free. They want to be accepted into all other societies so they can steal all of the resources for themselves and move on leaving behind a pile of ash like the vile parasites they are.

09-08-2020, 02:24 PM
Have you ever seen a Japanese mate with a nigger? I’ve never seen such an animal. The Japanese people are a proud race, and will destroy the nigger. Send the nigger to North Korea, and Iran.

09-08-2020, 04:45 PM
Send the nigger to North Korea, and Iran.

Hmmm.... Let's see here...

Niggers are known for:
Prolific breeding
Uncontrollable behavior
Ill temper
Sudden inexplicable, unpredictable violence
Proclivity toward any and all intoxicants
Low IQ
Random behavior of all types
Indecipherable communications
Muh dikk

North Koreans are known for:
Cruelty to own people
Refusal to accept defeat of ideas or loss of any kind
Overcompensation for small bowl nooderulrz

Dune Coons are known for:
Willful acceptance of lies / insanity
Cruelty as an absolute religion
Child rape
Goat rape
Basically any form of al deekk

Hmmm.... Let's just throw those all in the genetic blender, hit puree and see what pours out.


Why don't we just go down to the lab and make us up some six foot tall armored mosquitoes that carry super AIDS and shoot laser beams out their assess?

09-09-2020, 08:16 AM
Niggers take joy on shitting on and ruining everything including whole countries like Japan.

Odin's balls
09-12-2020, 03:08 AM
Considering it is a BBC article, they probably glossed over the crimewave that inexplicably seems to follow that nigger around.

The Japanese, being incredibly polite people are expecting it to have a moment of clarity, realise it will never assimilate into a first world culture and simply leave of its own accord. Or at least do the honorable thing and self delete.