View Full Version : Observations from a Peace Corps worker

08-27-2020, 01:22 AM
I thought this would be a better fit for Nigger News from around the world, but I can't post it there for some reason. It's fairly insightful especially for a Peace Corps worker since I usually find them to be a bunch of coddlers. I guess if you've done it long enough, you must tend to drop a lot of your preconceived do good feed the nigger notions and accept the truth like this guy has. It's not too long a read and definitely worth it:


08-27-2020, 08:46 AM
That was a really good read. Thanks for posting.

08-29-2020, 01:43 PM
Tweak, I also thank you. That really was something else.

The poster needs to come here and read up about niggers, foreign and domestic. It comes down to the fact that they are niggers, and they are not human. Simply, their species lacks the literal evolved brain that homo sapiens has. Once he reads through here and understands niggers better, he'll look through his own words better and say, "So that's what was really going on, those Africans are worse than I thought." Niggers talk about fambly and "honor," but they aren't "honor-bound" to give what little money they have, they're just afraid to have their hut burned down in the middle of the night.

Niggers love Islam because it's a "religion" that prides itself in violence. So about that part of niggers hating Western SJW stuff: niggers hate homosexuality openly but love it secretly, and Islam is supposedly anti-gay, with the UN Human Rights Council filled with hypocrites, but niggers and sand nigger jizzlamists love their DL action. When these countries barbarically execute someone for being gay, that was a person executed for something else. Maybe it was a bad breakup that a local powerful person wanted to cover up, like a politician who didn't want a wife to ever know.