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08-24-2020, 01:52 PM
It is real simple...unless you are a nigger in which case you are a brain damaged sub-species...
Real Simple- If a Police Officer (da Po-Po) gives you a lawful command you should probably comply. It isn't difficult. Did your primitive brain get it's wittle feewings hurt? Too-Fucking-Bad! LEO's have the authority to issue lawful commands to citizens (yes niggers, even you...).

Real Simple- If you don't want to get tased, shot, face rearranged etc, then stop doing shit that makes it happen! Comply when lawfully ordered to do so. Stop stealing shit. Stop trying to get 'yo muh-dik on when the female says 'no!'

Real Simple- If you don't like your life situation, then DO SOMETHING about it! Stop crying and whining about how ''da system done failed me an sheeit" and how YT is somehow keeping you down by putting you in the ghettos. Take some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

Real Simple- If you don't like your sub-standard living conditions then stop fucking up your neighborhoods! You don't shit where you eat.

Real Simple- If you don't like how YT and the rest of the world perceives you then stop dressing and acting like a fucking nigger! Pull your fucking pants up! Take a goddamned shower! Stop shuffling like a fucking hobo when you walk! Speak E-N-G-L-I-S-H and not niggerbabble and ebonics. Have respect and compassion for others and it will be returned in kind.

There is more but what's the point?

Coon Club Road
08-24-2020, 03:04 PM
Real simple... don't break the law, pay your taxes and the PoPo won't bother you!

08-24-2020, 03:06 PM
It is real simple...unless you are a nigger in which case you are a brain damaged sub-species...
Real Simple- If a Police Officer (da Po-Po) gives you a lawful command you should probably comply. It isn't difficult. Did your primitive brain get it's wittle feewings hurt? Too-Fucking-Bad! LEO's have the authority to issue lawful commands to citizens (yes niggers, even you...).

Real Simple- If you don't want to get tased, shot, face rearranged etc, then stop doing shit that makes it happen! Comply when lawfully ordered to do so. Stop stealing shit. Stop trying to get 'yo muh-dik on when the female says 'no!'

Real Simple- If you don't like your life situation, then DO SOMETHING about it! Stop crying and whining about how ''da system done failed me an sheeit" and how YT is somehow keeping you down by putting you in the ghettos. Take some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

Real Simple- If you don't like your sub-standard living conditions then stop fucking up your neighborhoods! You don't shit where you eat.

Real Simple- If you don't like how YT and the rest of the world perceives you then stop dressing and acting like a fucking nigger! Pull your fucking pants up! Take a goddamned shower! Stop shuffling like a fucking hobo when you walk! Speak E-N-G-L-I-S-H and not niggerbabble and ebonics. Have respect and compassion for others and it will be returned in kind.

There is more but what's the point?

Everything you said is SPOT ON but the message is wasted on these sub human primates!!

08-24-2020, 06:18 PM
Have you ever tried to confiscate a toy from a 5 year old? " I want my toy, I want my toy.....wahhhhh....wahhhhh....I want my fucking toy !!! "

This is the mentality you are trying to remonstrate and reason with when you confront a nigger. Niggers are spring loaded to the aggression position and they do not accept the white man's law. Civilized societies can not withstand such a blow to their endemic qualities. Niggers need to be rounded up and send back to Africa. There truly is no other solution.

08-24-2020, 07:40 PM
It is real simple...unless you are a nigger in which case you are a brain damaged sub-species...
Real Simple- If a Police Officer (da Po-Po) gives you a lawful command you should probably comply. It isn't difficult. Did your primitive brain get it's wittle feewings hurt? Too-Fucking-Bad! LEO's have the authority to issue lawful commands to citizens (yes niggers, even you...).

Real Simple- If you don't want to get tased, shot, face rearranged etc, then stop doing shit that makes it happen! Comply when lawfully ordered to do so. Stop stealing shit. Stop trying to get 'yo muh-dik on when the female says 'no!'

Real Simple- If you don't like your life situation, then DO SOMETHING about it! Stop crying and whining about how ''da system done failed me an sheeit" and how YT is somehow keeping you down by putting you in the ghettos. Take some PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY!

Real Simple- If you don't like your sub-standard living conditions then stop fucking up your neighborhoods! You don't shit where you eat.

Real Simple- If you don't like how YT and the rest of the world perceives you then stop dressing and acting like a fucking nigger! Pull your fucking pants up! Take a goddamned shower! Stop shuffling like a fucking hobo when you walk! Speak E-N-G-L-I-S-H and not niggerbabble and ebonics. Have respect and compassion for others and it will be returned in kind.

There is more but what's the point?

Good post.

Every time an incident comes up about the police and a nigger I always tell my wife I bet the nigger was resisting like they always do. Well, here we go again. Video footage of a nigger resisting police arrest and it's made good by the police while trying to climb into a vehicle, either to get away or grab a gun I'm sure.

Coon Club Road
08-24-2020, 09:46 PM
...Niggers are spring loaded...

Another pants pissing one liner... we need a thread for a one liner collection!

08-25-2020, 02:44 AM
We really can't expect animals to comply with human commands. That said, the real solution is segregation of species, or, expelling all of them to Africa. Heck, I don't care, send them to Iran or Afghanistan. But those won't happen.

The real crime is the acceptance of deluded humans that they are equals, and they are allowed to mingle with human communities. Even if niggers understand what they're told, their arrogant selves won't back down, so the police are forced to shoot.

08-25-2020, 12:12 PM
We really can't expect animals to comply with human commands. That said, the real solution is segregation of species, or, expelling all of them to Africa. Heck, I don't care, send them to Iran or Afghanistan. But those won't happen.

The real crime is the acceptance of deluded humans that they are equals, and they are allowed to mingle with human communities. Even if niggers understand what they're told, their arrogant selves won't back down, so the police are forced to shoot.

Niggers believe they are invincible. Its how they have been programmed to conduct themselves through years and years of social engineering. It's really not their fault. They will only ever be considered responsible under the shadow of the white man's stick.

08-25-2020, 04:05 PM
What don't they get?
Everything that isn't stupid cRap, hip-hop, pimp or BLM gorilla shyte. :gorilla