View Full Version : NYPD have given up - we knew it coming - 11 year old niglet gets beat and cops don't intervene

08-10-2020, 07:13 PM
NYPD's finest have pretty much washed their hands of niggers and their crime now. Why bother? You arrest the niggers and you lose your job and your pension.

Blue lives matter and niggers do not. I fully support your actions officers - or lack of actions, to be more precise !


08-10-2020, 07:57 PM
5 sheboons dispensing harlem justice as the men in blue casually observe the "wildlife"
well, this is what they want.. A jungle in the city... We'll likely just have to start walling them off from civilization like the festering boils they want to be..

works for me!!

Cat fur allergic
08-10-2020, 08:07 PM
Good, all cops should not get involved when its nigger on nigger or nigger on crazy white liberal or cuck. They deserve it. Other wise they'll bitching he/she/it can't breathe!

08-10-2020, 08:35 PM
I think cops are one of the few groups in the US that can truly come close to understanding what it's like to be Trump.

It doesn't matter what they do, they are wrong and will be demonized regardless. Given the chance and the idea that there would be no consequences, the commies and nigger bastards doing the bitching would gladly murder any of them for simply trying to do the job they were hired to do... Just like Trump.

08-10-2020, 09:03 PM
I was hoping for a video.

Why should the cops bother? Niggers, cucks, SJW dykes, and trannies don't want cops anymore? Let them see what it's like with packs of violent niggers running loose in the streets and no po-leece to save their worthless asses.

08-10-2020, 10:43 PM
Niggers make up 14% of the population and commit 90% of the crime.They disrespect law enforcement and resist arrest with violence.Which is why they are rightfully shot dead.Curious George Floyd,the monkey got his just desserts!A dead nigger is a good nigger!
Now the white liberal nigger loving pieces of shit want to defund cops.I say let them,so they can kill each other.If I were a cop and got a call about niggers killing each other in the hood,I go get the car washed, get me a burger and a blow job from a hooker, and then maybe I‘d eventually show up to call the meat wagon to pick up the dead spooks.

90% of the violent crime. Not too many niggers nabbed for insider trading, owing back taxes, or college bribing.

Coon Club Road
08-10-2020, 11:08 PM
...go get the car washed, get me a burger and a blow job from a hooker, and then maybe I‘d eventually show up to call the meat wagon to pick up the dead spooks.

I second that!

08-11-2020, 08:12 AM
I think cops are one of the few groups in the US that can truly come close to understanding what it's like to be Trump.

It doesn't matter what they do, they are wrong and will be demonized regardless. Given the chance and the idea that there would be no consequences, the commies and nigger bastards doing the bitching would gladly murder any of them for simply trying to do the job they were hired to do... Just like Trump.

And it's no surprise that Poleez unions have ENDORSED Trump!! I hope that he wins a BIGGER LANDSLIDE VICTORY than Reagan in '84!!

animal mother
08-11-2020, 08:57 AM
Not too many niggers nabbed for insider trading, owing back taxes, or college bribing.

Well let's not forget about Rev Al Sharpcoon.

08-11-2020, 09:22 AM
Well let's not forget about Rev Al Sharpcoon.

Well, yes. I'm talking about your average pavement apes, not the few token "tame" niggers given positions like that where they have the opportunity to steal without violence and with total impunity.

Niggers certainly don't complain about reverse raycism:

08-13-2020, 09:09 AM
the poleece dindu nuffins :lol


They have given up on niggers and looks like they're quite happy to admit it !