View Full Version : Coon Wanted for Driving Like a Nigger

07-17-2020, 06:32 PM
Apparently a coon is suspected of mowing down 2 upstanding black lives matter specimens with his automobile.

He is accused of doing it intentionally however he was probably just simply driving like a nigger, one hand on the wheel, one hand on his Muh Dik, seat leaned all the way back and quite simply didn't see them.

The individual is being sought on aggravated murder charges.


07-17-2020, 08:57 PM
This is great! The definition of Driving Like a Nigger compliments of the Urban Dictionary!


07-18-2020, 04:19 PM
Niggers try to run me over now and then. So far I've been able to run out of the way just in time. Beware of nigger drivers.

07-18-2020, 10:29 PM
I think it goes without saying, niggers can't drive worf a shit! Probably doesn't help they sit in the back seat nowadays.

When I was young, the niggers had the seat where it belongs, but leaned way the fuck over on the arm rest. They called it the "Detroit Lean"

When my kids were young, the niggers drove with the seat where it belonged, but leaned the other way, up against the pillar post. Someone told me they figured out the smell was coming from the inside, so they leaned out towards the fresh air.

Now my grandkids are young and the niggers tilt the seat all the way back. Perhaps so they can Muh Dik easier. Fucking Niggers.

I can't imagine the monkeyshines my grandkids will deal with when they are my age. Fucking Niggers.