View Full Version : Another cRapper flutters away on Batwings

Lil Groid
07-13-2020, 03:07 AM
Another cRap artist I never heard of (Lil Marlo), but I'm told was somewhat popular, got itself shot and abandoned it's fambly on a new set of batwings. Age 27, but not soon enough because it left behind 2 niglets; a buck and a future felon factory. Good riddance disgusting nigger!


07-13-2020, 10:23 AM
Stupid niggers still haven't caught on that cRapping is hazardous to their health. Good. I hope they never figure it out. :lol

07-13-2020, 01:03 PM
Bye bye spooky!

Full clip
07-13-2020, 03:22 PM
I hear tell that two more cRappers beez shot dayed in Chicongo and St Louse and in the U.K, Nicole Thea a full blown sheboon 'Influencer'/'Entertainer' with 105,000 'Followers' has mysteriously daid only one month before it was ready to dump its niglet upon humankind. Lots of Niggers bein' sad including Daddy (they think) whose name beez Boga.

07-13-2020, 10:51 PM
Be nice if the big name niggers joined this list, like Dr. Dre Boy, Snoop Coon, Kanye Kenya, and Puff Nigger...