View Full Version : TV Tokens

07-11-2020, 01:06 AM
I remember back in the good old days, TV would occasionally throw in a token nigger once in a while in commercials.

Today, the human is a token! Almost every commercial has multiple coons or at the very least, zebra kids, the product of coal burning. Even cereal commercials have cartoon coons instead of human characters.

After 4 more years of MAGA, Trump needs to start some White Entertainment Television channels, some White kids college funds, and maybe start the NAAWP because he has the BALLS and the MONEY!

07-11-2020, 10:14 AM
Funny true story... My human neighbor's daughter burned coal like there was no tomorrow. After shitting out the first Hampster kid, she gets beat and moves on to the next coon. This happens four times in a row, producing 4 Hampster kids all under one year apart.

As you may guess, the burner winds up incarcerated for drug trafficking, prostitution and receiving stolen property, leaving the grandparents stuck raising the Hampsters.

One chilly morning, back before remote starters were very common, I remotely started my truck, leaving it to warm up for a few minutes.

I walked outside and all four Hampster kids were lined up standing at attention at the end of my short driveway announcing to me that my truck started all by itself.

I responded by telling them it has remote start, for which all four, probably ages 9, 10, 11 and 12 gave me a puzzled look asking what dat.

I aimed the remote at the truck and shut it off, pressed the button twice, the horn chirped, lights flashed and it cranked and restarted.

All 4 Hampster kids looked on with amazement. Then unprovoked, the oldest Hampster reported "My Daddy can start a car with NO KEYS"! I'm about pissing myself thinking that's a no shitter!

That was over 20 years ago. I moved away because several times a year, nigger bucks would show up for unknown reasons in their shit Buicks with temporary tags, a fat mammy riding shotgun, back seat crammed with picaninnys, nigger noise thumping.

They'd pace the sidewalk while grabbing their muh diks to hold up their pants waiting for my neighbor to send their Hampster out. Fucking niggers. I liked living there too.

I wonder if those kids see their burner mother by simply catching her in the courtyard during prison recess.

Sheboon DeLuxe
07-11-2020, 10:19 AM
Yep, it's all niggers, all day long in the media.

07-11-2020, 07:11 PM
I remember back in the good old days, TV would occasionally throw in a token nigger once in a while in commercials.

Today, the human is a token! Almost every commercial has multiple coons or at the very least, zebra kids, the product of coal burning. Even cereal commercials have cartoon coons instead of human characters.

I knew it! I knew commercials are now making humans the token and niggers the main "people". This shit sickens me, every damn commercial or program there is always a nigger or a bunch of niggers only to make the humans seem like some sort of outcast by being the only one normal. The nigger agenda has only started, wait until it is in full place, then it's nothing but niggers until the day we die. What a sad and spineless world we now live in, it's nothing like back in the good days of TV. Commercials with humans only do exist but sadly they're becoming scarce, now every commercial or program is basically required by law to have the stupid negro in it otherwise "dat shiet be raycis as fuk".

07-11-2020, 08:19 PM
Even when the commercials contain only two humans - I saw one the other night with a man and woman playing golf (no idea what they were advertising) but there was a nigger standing there for no reason other than, "We have to put a nigger here or people will accuse us of racism."

I remember the old forum had a thread called "Unnecessary Niggers", e.g. two humans are making pizza at home and for some inexplicable reason, a nigger pops up between them. I understand the immense pressure to include a tiny minority of the population in every form of media, but it's so obvious and cringe-worthy now.

07-11-2020, 08:35 PM
Niggers complain about not being represented enough. The truth is niggers are in almost every form of advertising, entertainment, video games, sports, and all forms of government. If anything they are vastly over-represented.

Stay tuned. In another 20 years TV and sports will be more unwatchable than they are today. All characters will be reinvented as niggers. All history re-written. All English transformed to full bix nood ebonics. White men will not be allowed to be shown in any capacity beyond beta cucks or criminals.

07-11-2020, 08:45 PM
Google "Robber" in Google images, not a coon to be found. Only white guys.

07-11-2020, 09:28 PM
Google "Robber" in Google images, not a coon to be found. Only white guys.

They come up for me but out of the first 100 or so images they account for maybe 8-10. That algorithm is working overtime.

07-11-2020, 10:00 PM
He he he... Reminds me of "Are you sure a black guy didn't steal your car"!