View Full Version : Why do niggers like to shoot dice?

07-10-2020, 11:42 PM
What is the deal with niggers and dice shooting? When I used to attend college years ago, the cafeteria tables were full of spooks shooting dice. The coons would spend hours playing their dice games and even skipped out on classes to do so. Why can't the apes play poker like normal human beings?

07-11-2020, 09:38 AM
Maybe their peanut brain can just barely count the dots in dices but because they can't read, rayceest big numbers up to 10 and difficult letters like J, K, Q and A go right over their nappy heads.

07-11-2020, 10:57 AM
They shoot dice because they couldn't play bakkaball. Any sport that involves shooting, running or stealing they be down foe. If they can accomplish 1 or 2 of their fave fave's to pass time, they be good.