View Full Version : Grateful

07-07-2020, 06:26 PM
So I'm sitting here eating steak fresh picked sweet corn after a hard days workof welding and fabricating structures to help build America. Beautiful day outside. Beautiful wife. House almost paid off.
And I can't seem not to smile knowing there are thousands of filthy niggers right now somewhere beating the shit out of each other, weaves laying on the ground, screaming and jumping around in some crack house or a ghetto fried chicken joint. Taking each other out one by one, day after day.
Call me fkd up for not feeling bad for them.
I don't give a shit.
Those subhuman apes had a million chances to better themselves and they would rather live like savages. Not thinking twice about stealing and destroying everything hard working humans created and own.
Fuck them.
I wouldn't even throw them the grizzle from my steak if they were starving.

07-07-2020, 07:04 PM
Good for you Fred, enjoy!!!

I wouldn't even throw them the grizzle from my steak if they were starving.

Nope, that is saved for the dogs and much too good to waste on niggers. They can eat bugs and rats.

Midder Peenud Hayed
07-08-2020, 12:57 PM
... weaves laying on the ground ...

Aw Lawd! Not mah weeeeeig!


Good for you, Fred!

07-14-2020, 08:30 AM
all you need now are a couple of maimed house nigger Toby's do to all the shit cleaning so you can truly relax ! You can keep them on a chain and build a cage outside for them to sleep in.