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07-06-2020, 10:24 AM

07-06-2020, 02:50 PM
Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms

Even for niggers, that's a stupid name beyond nig-rehension.

07-06-2020, 03:33 PM
Nigger lives don’t matter to each other so who cares?

07-06-2020, 05:03 PM
Now apparently the governor has called announced a State of Emergency in Apelanta. So utterly hysterical that these apes are blaming systematic racism in law enforcement for nigger deletions. Funny to watch all of the "defund the police" calls dying out now that reality has returned.

Goodman Grey
07-06-2020, 08:50 PM
Now apparently the governor has called announced a State of Emergency in Apelanta. So utterly hysterical that these apes are blaming systematic racism in law enforcement for nigger deletions. Funny to watch all of the "defund the police" calls dying out now that reality has returned.

I think a lot of the people that supported defunding the police were literally too stupid to understand the short and long term consequences of doing such a thing.

You can't have a functional society without rules and laws that the majority members of the civilization have agreed upon.

And sometimes you have to break a few eggs if you want to have an omelet. A handful of dead niggers every year at the hands (or knees) of cops is a small price to pay for the safety and security of the majority.

Besides, most niggers are actually killed by other niggers, and many cops are ex-military, which means they are more likely than the average citizen to put themselves in harms way in order to protect the American way of life. Niggers should never be allowed to break the rules and laws that humans must obey.

If fact, I think niggers should have to obey our laws AND some additional laws, like the Jim Crow laws. Integration between the species does not work, and the experiment is officially a failure.

07-07-2020, 09:24 AM
Integration between the species does not work, and the experiment is officially a failure.

I've been saying that diversity is a failed experiment for a long time. I usually point out several examples when I say it to people. They usually give me a shocked look at first, but after a few examples, they just stand there looking at me not knowing what to say.

I think most people know it too. That's why all the upheaval is taking place now. It's not really about diversity and equality anymore; it's about who will have power and control in a post "diversity is our strength" world.

07-10-2020, 10:25 AM
Certainly, Coons love the 'Defund police movement' since it allows them to commit their crimes with impunity. But, what's more amazing, is all the city leaders around the nation caving in to it - reminds me of Hans Cristian Anderson's tale "The Emperor's new Clothes " where everyone's mindset becomes distorted until a young child alerts them to the truth.