View Full Version : Fed up with YT's racisms, niggers moving back to 'da muddaland'

Whitey Ford
06-27-2020, 03:24 PM
'I'm leaving and I'm just not coming back': Fed up with racism, Black Americans head overseas


Anthony Baggette knew the precise moment he had to get out: He was driving by a convenience store in Cincinnati when a police officer pulled him over. There had been a robbery. He fit the description given by the store's clerk: a Black man.

Okunini Ọbádélé Kambon knew: He was arrested in Chicago and accused by police of concealing a loaded gun under a seat in his car. He did have a gun. But it was not loaded. He used it in his role teaching at an outdoor skills camp for inner-city kids. Kambon also had a license. The gun was kept safely in the car's trunk.

Tiffanie Drayton knew: Her family kept getting priced out of gentrifying neighborhoods in New Jersey. She felt they were destined to be forever displaced in the USA. Then Trayvon Martin was shot and killed after buying a bag of Skittles and a can of iced tea.

Jipshun Kang
06-27-2020, 05:43 PM
round up every last one of them and ship them off.

Jivin' Jigaboo
06-27-2020, 06:26 PM
round up every last one of them and ship them off.

Yep and I will GLADLY help in funding the :back to africa movement with every cent that i have, right down to my very last penny if every last
NIGGER is sent back to Africa permanently.

06-27-2020, 07:42 PM
as I keep saying. They claim they were stolen from Africa. So it's the right thing to do to return stolen property. I'm all for rounding them all up and shipping them at least half way back.


Goodman Grey
06-27-2020, 08:51 PM
If there are any niggers reading this, Ghana is giving away free land!


All descendents of African heritage who were born in another country (as a result of the trans-Atlantic slave trade) are entitled to free land.

The goals of Fihankra International are as follows:

· To assist members of the African diaspora to acquire land and facilitate economic planning and development or model communities in Africa and the diaspora;
· To promote trade, tourism and investment; and
· To facilitate cultural exchange.

The Fihankra Community Land Development Project offers the opportunity to acquire and develop portions of the 30,000 acres of land. Sections of the area have been reserved for residential, commercial, industrial and agricultural development. The land is free to those who want to relocate or invest in Ghana.

That sounds like quite a deal! And niggers won't have to deal with racist humans anymore! :)

06-28-2020, 06:59 PM
round up every last one of them and ship them off.

Welcome to the site, and may I show you something I once made.