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View Full Version : Imagine my shock. Alt Right girl/coal burner Lauren Southern is back.

Cat fur allergic
06-21-2020, 05:22 PM
Now claims she is a centrist.



She must have marry a white liberal with money other wise lol. She likes the right's money too much and riding nigger cock too much.

06-21-2020, 09:26 PM
She was gone? Who is she? I couldn't find out because listening to some dumb "influencer" millennial idiot was making my ears bleed.

Whoever this mouthy moron is, she has a taste for dark meat, although I think even the Muzzie dumped her.


Cat fur allergic
06-21-2020, 09:35 PM
She was gone? Who is she? I couldn't find out because listening to some dumb "influencer" millennial idiot was making my ears bleed.

Whoever this mouthy moron is, she has a taste for dark meat, although I think even the Muzzie dumped her.

The guy on the right is mulatto black guy. At first people thought he was camel jockey. but she corrected people and said he was black.
She was very popular with the right. she did white genocide and migrants getting to Europe etc.. But people who knew her knew she was a liberal deep down.

06-21-2020, 09:45 PM
Why does anyone care what this dumb bitch is babbling about? That anyone is so stupid they'll listen to the mindless garbage coming from some boring attention whore is very disheartening, although not surprising.

She needs to shove a few more nigger muh diks in her mouth to shut her up.

06-25-2020, 09:50 PM
Kind of a shame, really. Until nigger DNA started affecting her biochemistry, Lauren Southern was doing some almost award winning youtube stuff about the European migrant invasion, I mean, some pretty good, down in the trenches stuff. Now, she's just another infected burner.

Cat fur allergic
06-28-2020, 07:23 PM

https://yt3.ggpht.com/FGYL7EvU7b6oGvCKjE2S_PhBwCydDKj-qXabyb9msfWZRgb5iSnq5xSgL1NU9LadzCjLA7Cdw9ne4A=s43 4-nd

She got this just removed from Youtube. She has something to hide.

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-30-2020, 06:34 PM
I believe many of these supposedly conservative "influencers" are paid leftist moles.

It would surprise me one bit if this chick is on the Soros (et al) payroll.