View Full Version : One man's terrifying experience with CHAZ/CHOP

Goodman Grey
06-20-2020, 04:29 PM


Though CHAZ claims to have no rules, it quickly developed a complex code of conduct that varied from zone to zone and even the time of the day. For example, those in the garden area, who are mostly white, need to make sure they do not “recolonize” the space.

Not everyone in CHAZ recognizes Simone’s police-like presence, but no one is willing to stand up to him and his group. There have been consequences to those perceived as challengers or threats. Independent Los Angeles-based journalist Kalen D’Ameida recorded Simone and his crew in the early hours of Monday morning. He was spotted by one of Simone’s men, who manhandled him and demanded he turn over his mobile device. Simone’s team chased D’Ameida and tried to drag him to the security tent. He escaped by hiding in a construction site outside CHAZ until police responded to his 911 call.

Those unfortunate enough to have homes or businesses within CHAZ — an estimated 30,000 residents — have no say over their new overlords. Residents have discreetly voiced their concerns to local media. Gunshots and “screams of terror” at night have been reported.

One station that operates off-and-on distributes extremist anarchist-communist agitprop — the political ideology of Antifa. In one manual titled, “Blockade, Occupy, Strike Back,” instructions show how to use human shields against police, and make rudimentary “bombs” using light bulbs and paint.

06-20-2020, 05:18 PM
I've been hearing reports of roaming rape gangs of niggers going door to door. No human of any age is spared.
https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP. 3iYSjty31K5ci859MgUl9gAAAA%26pid%3DApi&f=1

I have zero fucks to give for the cucks and commies that went in willingly. They deserve whatever they get.

The unknowing citizens who didn't have a clue what was going on around them - that's another thing altogether. To look out your window and see that all hell has shit out these demons on your doorstep and they are now beating down your door to rape, rob, steal and murder - must be absolute terror. If it weren't for them, I would say let the animals destroy the area and let it stand as a smoldering testament to what happens when you let niggers and communist loose to their own destruction.

It is time for POTUS to invoke the insurrection act and for the federal troops to go in and mow them all down. No quarter, no surrender, no mercy. Shoot them all on sight.

The local and state government has willfully failed them. Per our laws, it is now up to the feds to mop this mess up.