View Full Version : nigger gets life in NU for attacking 250 humans !!

06-19-2020, 12:12 AM
Read all about it !!


fucking niggers !!

06-19-2020, 12:22 AM

I was going to post that earlier when my pc decided to go on strike for a couple of hours.

Goodman Grey
06-19-2020, 12:56 AM

I was going to post that earlier when my pc decided to go on strike for a couple of hours.


Same here, but I got distracted and forgot about it.

When the owner was found dead, they believe the neglected monkey — likely in the throes of withdrawal — took his aggression to the streets and began roaming the neighborhood and attacking people, particularly the faces of women and children.

I knew niggers in the Navy that have done similar things.

While completely sober.

We all would like to blame alcohol and drugs for a nigger's poor decision-making skills, but the harsh reality is that niggers make bad decisions all on their own without "help" from alcohol and/or drugs.

edit: As a side note, does anyone else remember when senior NCO's and commissioned sailors were allowed to be hideously obese, and nothing could be done about it? It was shameful to have to work for superior ranking sailors that no longer felt the need nor desired to meet the minimum standards.

I get that a blind eye was sometimes turned towards a person's questionable behavior outside of work... if they were highly skilled at their job. But some of my "superiors" were hideously fat fucks that couldn't do their jobs and absolutely did not deserve to have their rank.

06-19-2020, 01:52 AM
edit: As a side note, does anyone else remember when senior NCO's and commissioned sailors were allowed to be hideously obese, and nothing could be done about it? It was shameful to have to work for superior ranking sailors that no longer felt the need nor desired to meet the minimum standards.

I get that a blind eye was sometimes turned towards a person's questionable behavior outside of work... if they were highly skilled at their job. But some of my "superiors" were hideously fat fucks that couldn't do their jobs and absolutely did not deserve to have their rank.

Been there, failed a CMC on his PRT over that. I wasn't going to change his time on the sheet and risk my career for his 40 percent lard ass. Especially after the public excoriation he handed me on my first day checking in because I had holes in my retinas and was forced to wear prescription tint. He tried to get me med boarded out over a pair of glasses! I couldn't have fixed his score even if I wanted to. It was written in ink along with everyone else's times in order before and after him. It was his fourth PRT failure in less than three years and he was forced to retire.

I witnessed many an incompetent fat ass brown noser get promoted ahead of me only to then succumb to the "Peter Principle." I have more stories than I care to go into - most involving the ones that played the reindeer games of EEO, black histree monf, women's issues and other such bullshit. We called them rate grabbing box checkers. The best Chief I ever worked for once told me "One of these days, this fuckin' Navy's gonna have to start worrying about fighting wars again."

06-19-2020, 02:52 AM
Let that nigger loose in Chicago or Detroit.