View Full Version : Rump-lifter Ilhan Omar’s Despicable Terrorist Pappy Made REAL Good by Covid 19

Chimp Detester
06-16-2020, 09:30 PM
Most of you are aware of the America-hating rump-lifting sub-cockroach Minnesota Congress sow Ilhan Omar. Well, it turns out that its father Nur Omar Mohamed was made real good by COVID 19 this week. Oh, and Nur Omar Mohamed no longer believes in the Muck-ass-mud Ass-lamic "religion of peace", but oops! Too late!

You may recall the despicable Minnesota Congresswoman Ilhan Omar itself "married" its own brother to bring it into the U. S. illegally.

Now, this rump-lifter Somalikoon Nur Omar Mohamed entered America with a pack of lies during the Barry the fairy Insane Ape-bammy failed ape-ministration. Turns out the now batwinged Nur Omar Mohamed (aka Nur Said Elmi Mohamed) told a bunch of lies on its immigration papers, and thus entered the U. S. illegally. Nur Omar Mohamed was part of the murderous dictatorship in Somalia.

I leave you these links about these Somalikoon terrorists:



06-17-2020, 02:04 AM
Asslifting sandnigger demon got his goatwings! Here's to you getting your getting your asshole perpetually ripped open by the devil for eternity just like you did to all those little boys you piece of shit! :flip

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2F736x%2Ffa%2F62%2F5 7%2Ffa62570eb01355d8d057514319a6fb06--wip-goats.jpg&f=1&nofb=1