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View Full Version : Trek Bikes Goes Full Nigger

Sheboon DeLuxe
06-16-2020, 10:05 AM
Yesterday I got a 25-page flyer from Trek bikes, half of which is devoted to "global warming," half to race-mixing and nigger pandering. Today I check their website, and come across this:


So I wrote a comment at the end, of which I'm rather proud, and share it with you here:

"What putrid pandering. I get harangued all day long in the press, on television, in entertainment media, by politicians, about the poor helpless black people, and how white people are at fault for all their pathetic failures. But that's not enough. No, I have to get harangued on my bike manufacturer's website, too.

Then there is the magazine-sized flyer from Trek that arrived yesterday in the mail, that starts with a multi-page screed about "global warming," as if that dead horse hasn't been flogged enough, including a graph supposing to show CO2 levels over the centuries, a graph which was debunked years ago. This glossy ad magazine then switches to a race-mixing theme, featuring a black man and a white woman in several pictures, including one in which they have their hands all over each other. Gee, where have I seen this sort of messaging before? Only in every print advertisement and TV show and TV advertisement and movie for the last several years! Not a single white man was depicted in all 25 pages, despite the safe assumption that the vast majority of Trek's customers are white men. The message I get is clear: Trek is not interested in white male customers. If that's the message you're trying to send, you have accomplished it admirably.

I love my Fuel EX8, and loved my old Gary Fisher Sugar 292 before that, and have had great customer support from Trek through the years. How about you concentrate on making good bikes, and keeping your customers happy, and leave the political posturing and racial propaganda to the politicians and the pundits? Because your customer base (me) is getting real sick of having socio-political garbage shoved down its throat every hour of every day."

Somehow I don't think that will get past their blog moderators. :lol

06-16-2020, 11:15 AM
I had a TREK once when I was young. That TREK was TRASH.

06-16-2020, 11:37 AM
I would have ended it with "and this is why I will not be purchasing your products from this day forward. "

Cat fur allergic
06-16-2020, 08:47 PM
Only time a nigger is riding a bike is the one he just stole or he lost his license/car crash and about to go car jacking with the bike.

YT Rules
06-16-2020, 08:59 PM
So, niggers are going to make bicycles?

I assume they know that niggers don't purchase bicycles.

Midder Peenud Hayed
06-16-2020, 09:45 PM
Great post, SDL!

Totally nailed it!