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View Full Version : Niggerlovers are wearing blackface to show solidary with #BLM

06-12-2020, 07:09 PM

“I wish I was black, today more than ever,” said one influencer, Tania Saleh, in a recent Instagram post — which included a “photo montage” of a black woman with her own face photoshopped over it.

“Sending my love and full support to the people who demand equality and justice for all races anywhere in the world,” added Saleh.

In another Instagram post from a second influencer, Souhila Ben Lachhab, the Algerian woman can be seen wearing half blackface, holding hands with herself.

“We’re one. Just because we are black on the outside, doesn’t mean we are black on the inside,” wrote Ben Lachhab. “Racist people are the true black heart ones. They are black on the inside, though they do not know it.”


06-12-2020, 07:57 PM
Oh come on... This is just an excuse for closet nigger hating liberals to play nigger and get away with it.