View Full Version : Uber Eats seems to be committing so many federal crimes to be pro black.

Cat fur allergic
06-10-2020, 09:47 AM
Last week, Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi announced that the company would be waiving delivery fees for customers who order from black-owned restaurants for the rest of the year.


If I was a human company. I'll check black. They can't legally come and say you aren't. Sue them otherwise.

can someone move to this to the right section lol. made a mistake with the area this was posted.

06-10-2020, 02:49 PM
What black owned bidnissizz? They burned them all down!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIF. T8jBKxNgiL%252bqzMpDYxZ%252bGg%26pid%3DApi&f=1


06-10-2020, 05:03 PM
I delivered for Uber Eats, and one pickup with from a fried chicken place (go figure), in the hood. The person working at the desk had an attitude and said 'I'z busy, youze needs to waits outside'. So after waiting for about 10 minutes (after seeing several niggers go in, get their food and leave), I went back inside to ask how much longer

'Boy, I told you I'z busy. Waits outside'

I finally got the order, took it about 5 or 6 miles for the delivery, and no fucking tip from the chimp who (again go figure)

And when I checked my stats, the nigger bitch at the restaurant gave me a 'thumbs down' review and said 'I was rude'

06-10-2020, 05:05 PM
What black owned bidnissizz? They burned them all down!

https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse3.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIF. T8jBKxNgiL%252bqzMpDYxZ%252bGg%26pid%3DApi&f=1


They will burn down their own 'hood', to try and make a statement.

06-10-2020, 06:07 PM
They will burn down their own 'hood', to try and make a statement.'''

Yeah, and the next statements these niggers will start bitching about will include the phrases:
Food desert
No emergency services
Infrastructure Disrepair
Failing schools
Substandard (you name it here)
Fleeing employers/jobs
Lack of daycare
Lack of healthcare providers
No restaurants
No large chain retail stores
High priced groceries/dry goods/appliances
No go zones for deliveries
Predominance of Asian and Middle Eastern owned businesses
Unaffordable property/car/health insurance
Derelict homes/drug dens/crack/meth houses
Gentrification/gated/walled human communities with private & well functioning schools/police/fire/medical protections as well as other retail services.

The list goes on and on ad nauseam.

That last one is probably the best thing that could happen. Imagine a private, gated community which only provides community services to itself and no-one outside the walls. Think of it as a true sundowner town. Instead of a strictly housing area, it could have it's own strip malls, restaurants, recreation and even jobs - everything a human could need all within the gated, secure community of fellow humans.

I have a dream, too, Marchin' Looter Kang!

YT Rules
06-10-2020, 06:28 PM
How do they know for sure if a company is nigger owned?

Do they test the food for fecal contamination?

06-10-2020, 07:07 PM
Im getting a burner phone and ordering as many things as I can to some random niggers house.

06-10-2020, 08:27 PM
How do they know for sure if a company is nigger owned?

Do they test the food for fecal contamination?

They don't give a shit. Nigger owned businesses were destroyed as well even when clearly marked as such. The nigger rioters sorry ass excuse was "well, niggers don't actually own those bidnizizz - the whitey banks own them and the whitey insurance will pay to rebuild them!" Yeah, BLM actually said this - minus the species comments. I added them for clarification.

Odin's balls
06-11-2020, 03:01 PM

Yeah, and the next statements these niggers will start bitching about will include the phrases:
Food desert
No emergency services
Infrastructure Disrepair
Failing schools
Substandard (you name it here)
Fleeing employers/jobs
Lack of daycare
Lack of healthcare providers
No restaurants
No large chain retail stores
High priced groceries/dry goods/appliances
No go zones for deliveries
Predominance of Asian and Middle Eastern owned businesses
Unaffordable property/car/health insurance
Derelict homes/drug dens/crack/meth houses
Gentrification/gated/walled human communities with private & well functioning schools/police/fire/medical protections as well as other retail services.

The list goes on and on ad nauseam.

That last one is probably the best thing that could happen. Imagine a private, gated community which only provides community services to itself and no-one outside the walls. Think of it as a true sundowner town. Instead of a strictly housing area, it could have it's own strip malls, restaurants, recreation and even jobs - everything a human could need all within the gated, secure community of fellow humans.

I have a dream, too, Marchin' Looter Kang!

That reads more like a list the coons would compile for places to loot, burn down or just chimpout in.