View Full Version : 3 BLM niggers stalk and terrorize police officers

06-07-2020, 03:53 PM


Police say the niggers tracked those officers down at their homes and tried to torch their cars. Both fires were put out quickly, leaving minor damage to the vehicles.

“They unloaded the bus trying to catch us but I’m not getting got. I can speak for myself. I don’t know what they got going on. I’m just trying to go home and go to work tomorrow,” Chike-Morah said.

The suspooks face these charges:

Alvin Joseph: Arson 1st Degree – Felony (2 counts), Possession and Manufacturing of Destructive Device – Felony (2 counts), Criminal Trespass – Misdemeanor (2 counts), Possession of Tools for the Commission of a Crime – Felony (2 counts), Interference with Government Property – Felony (2 counts), Interference with Government Property – Misdemeanor (1 count), and Possession of a Firearm by a Convicted Felon – Felony (1 count)

Lakaila Mack: Arson 1st Degree – Felony (2 counts), Possession and Manufacturing of Destructive Device – Felony (2 counts), Criminal Trespass – Misdemeanor (2 counts), Possession of Tools for the Commission of a Crime – Felony (2 counts), Interference with Government Property – Felony (2 counts)

Ebuka Chike-Morah: Arson 1st Degree – Felony (2 counts), Possession and Manufacturing of Destructive Device – Felony (2 counts), Criminal Trespass – Misdemeanor (2 counts), Possession of Tools for the Commission of a Crime – Felony (2 counts), Interference with Government Property – Felony (2 counts)

Hmmm... maybe the niggers are thinking that if they terrorize enough police officers, the cops will just quit their jobs.

These are the same "people" that want to abolish police forces around the USA. I wonder what they will do when the police are gone.

Probably goodify each other and turn their cities into Haiti.

Even if the police were abolished, eventually vigilante groups would start appearing, then they would start charging people for protection, then they would be incorporated into the local government, given titles, paid with tax dollars, and they would be forced to follow certain rules. The cycle will just begin again.

06-07-2020, 06:15 PM
What will they do when to cops are gone? First they will celebrate in the streets with a MASSIVE bongo party. In every direction you look there w
ill be niggers engaging in all levels of TNB. Smoking crack, muh dik, loud rap noise, robbing everything that isn't nailed down, and burning everything that is. Then the next night the real reality sets in. There is nothing left to steal in the now burned out stores. Any remaining retailers board up and leave. Drive by shootings happen on average every 5-10 minutes. The USPS will not deliver their EBT cards. Adjacent towns have posted barricades to contain the nigger lawlessness. Human residents have fled leaving behind everything to escape the nigger violence while the liberals among them still blame the white conservative for what is happening. Democrat city council to

decry racism. Niggers are now in full tilt. Murders happen over the slightest perceived insult. Anyone seen wearing air Jordan's is killed on sight for said air Jordan's. Rival gangs hit each other left and right fighting for control of the drug trade.

Within an hour the niggers are claiming racism and Trump isn't doing enough to help protect them from niggers.

06-07-2020, 06:15 PM
Get the fuck back to Afri-Coon, you ghetto monkeys

06-07-2020, 06:24 PM
Lakaila, Ebuka Chike-Morah, and then there's poor Alvin without a nigger name. :lol

06-07-2020, 10:30 PM
Lakaila, Ebuka Chike-Morah, and then there's poor Alvin without a nigger name. :lol

He's still a nigger. He's got his back up singers - the Chimp-punks.

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