View Full Version : What's up with rich men and sows. I never get it.

Cat fur allergic
01-04-2020, 04:37 PM
Like Donald Silver. who lost his NBA team. That rich tech guy who married the tennis sow etc.. This dude lost his job and he pay his hoe millions to be a hoe lol.


Former Sequoia Partner Wins $10 Million Verdict Against Stripper Who Claimed He Gave Her An STD

01-04-2020, 10:32 PM
She will spend every cent of that money and he will never see a dime of it. This is a great example of why we should just beleive all women on the grounds that they "may" be telling the truth... If I were him it would NEVER end until she was living on the streets. Then again I do not drill oil but this isn't something limited to nigger sows.

The sad thing is even after this is all over, the liberal machine will be propping her up like she was the sole victim in all this. She will get a book deal and someone will make a movie where they completly twist it. It will be he was stalking her, raped, her and then tried to have her killed after she refused to take his bribe money.

01-05-2020, 02:58 PM
I never understood why sheboons and sows always go for the rich white guys and yet time and time again I see this as a common occurrence for the situation where I'm located (not many rich people here but that doesn't stop it from happening.)
Though that being said, its funny to see them spend all the dude's money as compensation to being poor in the ghettos, its as if a form of reparations for all the 'trouble' white men have caused them...

01-05-2020, 03:50 PM
I never understood why sheboons and sows always go for the rich white guys and yet time and time again I see this as a common occurrence for the situation where I'm located (not many rich people here but that doesn't stop it from happening.)
Though that being said, its funny to see them spend all the dude's money as compensation to being poor in the ghettos, its as if a form of reparations for all the 'trouble' white men have caused them...

Sows go for rich white men because it is the ultimate form of welfare and they are easily controlled. The men are beta cucks just like the fat white women with no self esteem. Both will not fight back and will let the nigger control their life and their money.

animal mother
01-05-2020, 03:55 PM

Are just like Mudsharks, lay down with the nigger beast and get what you deserve.
Just asked Robert De Nero. His two ex wife sows took is drilling ass to the cleaner. Fuck this libtard cuck.

01-05-2020, 06:42 PM
This guy, who must have something going for him to be so successful, really wanted a stripper whore when he could have his pick of women? You reap what you sow, and he's getting a real reaping. Sucks to be him, the goddam fool with a fetish for whores.

Reminds me of the actor, Colin Farrell. Took a video of himself having very vocal sex with a filthy Penthouse nigger sow. He made her promise she wouldn't peddle the video to anyone. She promised! But gee, she did it anyway. What a shock. Roll around in the mud and you're going to get dirty.

01-05-2020, 07:55 PM
Some of these old rich white guys have some serious sexual perversions. Nigger sows will eat cat shit off of a plate if it gets them a day of shopping. I think it's just easier for them to find a sow willing to debase themselves sexually. Lots of other women and men will do the same for sure, but I don't their ranks are as large.

01-07-2020, 11:30 PM
Maybe a quadroon?
But she looks pretty hot and white,

01-08-2020, 04:19 PM
Maybe a quadroon?

I'm not sure I like the direction this conversation is going...

01-09-2020, 08:56 AM
Maybe a quadroon?
But she looks pretty hot and white,

Sorry G.R. I'm not seeing hot or white. Face looks more like a praying mantis than a human. Definitely looks like a whore, though. B team fill in at a Bourbon Street strip club at best and that's only one step up from straight up whore.

01-09-2020, 11:22 PM
This guy, who must have something going for him to be so successful, really wanted a stripper whore when he could have his pick of women? You reap what you sow, and he's getting a real reaping. Sucks to be him, the goddam fool with a fetish for whores.

Reminds me of the actor, Colin Farrell. Took a video of himself having very vocal sex with a filthy Penthouse nigger sow. He made her promise she wouldn't peddle the video to anyone. She promised! But gee, she did it anyway. What a shock. Roll around in the mud and you're going to get dirty.

Reminds me of what my white friend from Mississippi told me over 20 years ago, "Never wrestle with a pig, you get real dirty and the pig kinda likes it!!"