View Full Version : Niggers in White Vans increasingly abducting and trafficking she boons

Whitey Ford
12-24-2019, 06:38 PM
Hurting, hunting Black Girls and Women: Facing a devastating sex trafficking crisis not limited to vans, strangers and abductions

Social media warnings of white vans that lock from the outside and follow school buses, arrests in several states, accounts from Black women about kidnap attempts and thousands of missing women and girls have raised fears about increased sex trafficking in the Black community.
The problem, however, is wider than strangers snatching young girls and women, though that happens. It includes a plethora of abuses and failures, said advocates fighting to end the scourge.

The Black and Missing Foundation says Black people, just 13 percent of the American population, are almost 40 percent (232,881) of all missing persons. Black women, just seven percent of America’s population, are 10 percent of all reported missing persons cases, said the foundation. In 2018, roughly 64,000 Black women and girls went missing, it said.


LeeRoy Jenkums
12-24-2019, 08:40 PM
So...what's the problem?

12-24-2019, 10:04 PM
So what do they do with these nignapped niglets and sheboons?

If the kidnappers are also niggers, and they are turning the kidnapped nigs into soylent black... why should I care?

12-25-2019, 12:38 AM
Who would nignap that thing? It probably took half a dozen bucks to wrestle that thing into a van.

12-25-2019, 06:22 AM
Nigger mayor of Baltimore believes it's happening in that nigger hell hole:


12-25-2019, 07:02 AM
What the fuck did they do? Abduct her, and then force her to eat KFC for 10 days straight?

Buck Simian
12-25-2019, 08:43 AM
Kidnapping niggers? That can't be a very lucrative business.

Sheboon DeLuxe
12-25-2019, 08:44 AM
In 2018, roughly 64,000 Black women and girls went missing, it said.

Outstanding! That's a whole lot of nigresses removed from decent society. This is one nigger trend I can definitely get behind!

Cracka Jack
12-25-2019, 09:19 AM
A shining example of nigger logic. Kidnap something with zero value. :lol

12-25-2019, 11:26 AM
Melanin sells for $400 a gram.

Niggers who took afrocentric studies in college are aware of this, and they are using this knowledge as an excuse to nignap niglets and niggers.

Niggers are killing each other for their melanin!

This probably explains why they are nignapping the biggest nigs they can find. More melanin!

History is repeating itself. Back in the slavery days, the weakest and slowest niggers were captured by niggers in Africa and sold to humans as slaves. Now, in the modern age, the weakest and slowest niggers are being captured by niggers for their melanin, and their melanin magic is being sold to humans! Niggers are betraying other niggers!

If there are any niggers reading this, be afraid! Don't trust other niggers! Get those backstabbing, disloyal niggers before they get you!

01-03-2020, 06:32 PM
Who in their sane mind would pay for a sherilla?

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-03-2020, 06:45 PM
The niggers doing the nignaps are working for someone -- probably Middle Eastern ass-lifters harvesting organs. I doubt it's for sex trafficking. Even nigger bucks find sheboons repulsive.

01-03-2020, 08:00 PM
Hopefully there's an antisoros out there spending his millions to ship them off to Apefrica !

01-03-2020, 09:54 PM
The niggers doing the nignaps are working for someone -- probably Middle Eastern ass-lifters harvesting organs. I doubt it's for sex trafficking. Even nigger bucks find sheboons repulsive.

Repulsive won't stop niggers from muhdicking. It will stop western niggers from paying for muhdicking. If they can muhdick it for free then they will - even more so if it is by force. It's more fun for them that way.

Rich oil pumping sandniggers (crude, not sow) on the other hand, have the the money to harvest, and will only accept, human organs. Even dunecoons find nigger organs repulsive. They only traffic in the finest young human western boys and girls when it comes to al-dick as well. Kinda makes me wonder why Osama Bin Dicken couldn't find a donor before he died of kidney failure.

Poor sandniggers are known to al-dick just about anything: screw sheep, dick donkeys, buttbang bacha bazi boys, and anything in a burka (but only for procreation). They're not that picky.

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-03-2020, 11:42 PM
@ Tweak...

You could be right, but who the hell is going to miss a sheboon? If Human females started going missing, the alarm bells would ring. If some sow niglet turns up missing, its mammy will set up a GoFundMe page and rake in at least $20.

01-04-2020, 03:29 AM

The sow gets 20 bucks.
The sow buys itself some rocks.
The sow screws 20 bucks.
The sow shits out a baby.
The baby sheboon grows up.
It turns into a teenape.
The teenape gets abducted.
The rapist liquidate her.
Her melanin get extracted.
Her soylent black is eaten.
What is eaten turns to poo.
The pooh and pee get bottled.
The jenkem then gets huffed.
The mammy she gets high
and speaks to her dayuud baby.
Dat baby says go fundz me.
The sow gets 20 bucks.

It's the circle, the circle of poo!

Midder Peenud Hayed
01-04-2020, 11:18 PM

The sow gets 20 bucks.
The sow buys itself some rocks.
The sow screws 20 bucks.
The sow shits out a baby.
The baby sheboon grows up.
It turns into a teenape.
The teenape gets abducted.
The rapist liquidate her.
Her melanin get extracted.
Her soylent black is eaten.
What is eaten turns to poo.
The pooh and pee get bottled.
The jenkem then gets huffed.
The mammy she gets high
and speaks to her dayuud baby.
Dat baby says go fundz me.
The sow gets 20 bucks.

It's the circle, the circle of poo!



Odin's balls
01-05-2020, 01:52 PM

The sow gets 20 bucks.
The sow buys itself some rocks.
The sow screws 20 bucks.
The sow shits out a baby.
The baby sheboon grows up.
It turns into a teenape.
The teenape gets abducted.
The rapist liquidate her.
Her melanin get extracted.
Her soylent black is eaten.
What is eaten turns to poo.
The pooh and pee get bottled.
The jenkem then gets huffed.
The mammy she gets high
and speaks to her dayuud baby.
Dat baby says go fundz me.
The sow gets 20 bucks.

It's the circle, the circle of poo!


01-06-2020, 02:45 AM
The Final Call is the Nation of Jizlam's rag

“Those of us as Black men who are standing around pontificating on this subject matter of sex trafficking, and untold numbers of missing Black women and children, needs to stop pontificating,” Craig Khanwell declared.

Blacks are “sitting back watching while the sellout negroes—because there are a lot of Black men in this—are selling our women and children (to fucking whom, zoo keepers?) across the country and the world,” Mr. Khanwell said.
:nfl :gorilla