View Full Version : Gruesome Video: 14 year old kid hospitalized after violent she boon attack on schoolbus over MAGA hat

Whitey Ford
12-12-2019, 09:44 PM

I am sitting in the hospital with my 14 year old kid because he was just jumped by 8 black kids on the school bus, I guess that’s what happens when a kid wears a #Trump hat to school. And who’s the violent ones again? Earlier today they poured milk all over his head,” the parent, who uses the Twitter handle “American Diaries,” tweeted.


12-13-2019, 02:04 AM
Aside from the fact that these wild niggers wore clothing and shoes, this attack was indistinguishable from any wild primate attack in the sub Saharan jungles. Marlin Perkins could have shot that video.

"Black kids" my white ass! The only animal besides humans called kids are goats and they both serve a purpose.

They exhibit nothing but violence. It is their only form of communication when in a wilding state and is therefore their most primative and universally understood form of communication. As such, it should be the very form used to curtail their behavior via remedial vocational leather reconditioning classes.


Whitey Ford
12-13-2019, 03:08 AM
Marlin Perkins could have shot that video.

That takes me back ;)


12-13-2019, 03:27 AM
That takes me back ;)



I guess he's really lucky to have gotten away with handing that chimp a saw without getting decapitated. My favorite part is when the chimp grabbed the bottle for some :gibs gibs me dat!

You could tell it was really starting to get snippy when Marlon wouldn't give it to him fast enough.

Where my cobuhh coaluhh at, muhfuggah???

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-13-2019, 04:20 AM
It's a hereditary thing. Sheboons can't defy their genetics. See:
