View Full Version : Jersey City shooters are "black Israelite" niggers!

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-11-2019, 03:24 PM
We frequently discuss the laughable nigger practice of appropriating the accomplishments and cultures of Human groups. One of the dumbest nigger claims is that the ugly knucklers were the original Jews -- all facts to the contrary.

So, naturally, in what passes as a nigger's "brain", it makes all the sense in the world to go shoot up a Jewish market and kill a cop and three (real Jewish) civilians.

There should be a sticky somewhere listing all the nigger claims that we all know are ridiculous.

"We wuz Gypshuns an' sheeeit"...

"We bilt dis' cuhntry"...

"Dar wuz a black Queen of Englun, yo"...

"We discovert 'Merica befo' Columbuz deeeeid"...

"We wus dah firss Youmans an' sheeeit"...


Midder Peenud Hayed
12-11-2019, 04:39 PM
I knew it was niggers that did it as soon as I heard about it, the feral shit demons shot a cop and that told me it was niggers right away.

And then we have this, The MSM's not showing it was a nigger... NO pictures of them...... I wonder why...


There's a pic of the nigger in the link I posted. A truly evil, dumb, hideous example of a nigger...

Now the Fed's have found bomb's in the nigger's vehicle and are investigating this as a case of domestic terrorism.

All niggers are "domestic terrorists" as far as I'm concerned...

Odin's balls
12-11-2019, 04:57 PM
"Dar wuz a black Queen of Englun, yo"...

:lol Wait. What?

Buck Simian
12-11-2019, 05:17 PM
Niggers always try to claim they are something that they are not. First we had Nigyptians and now we have Nigraelites? My head hurts. If niggers were the real Israelites Moses would have lead the people to a KFC.
CNN is doing what it can to make this story disappear. Just check out their web site. 20 links to articles regarding impeaching Trump and finally you find a link to the article at the bottom.

Sheboon DeLuxe
12-11-2019, 05:21 PM
CNN really walked on eggshells with that report, didn't they? No pics, no mention of the race of, or the wacked out We Wuz Da Jews An Sheeit beliefs of these fucking insane niggers. Guess this story doesn't fit the Crazy YT With A Gun narrative.

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-11-2019, 05:29 PM
"Dar wuz a black Queen of Englun, yo"...

:lol Wait. What?

You of all members should know the fable about Queen Charlotte (m. to George III). Supposedly, 15 generations back, she had a Spanish ancestor who might have had Moorish ancestors. Problem is, even if true, Moors are not niggers.

12-11-2019, 08:23 PM
Niggers always try to claim they are something that they are not. First we had Nigyptians and now we have Nigraelites? My head hurts. If niggers were the real Israelites

If nogs were Egyptians AND Israelites, then they would have enslaved themselves?

Thankfully, NONE of that is true. Just 2 more ridiculous claims to add to the pile.

What's next, nigs claiming to be dinosaurs?

12-11-2019, 08:49 PM

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-11-2019, 09:18 PM
You mean you never heard of SowapotmusRex



Midder Peenud Hayed
12-11-2019, 09:40 PM



Cracka Jack
12-11-2019, 10:22 PM
If nogs were Egyptians AND Israelites, then they would have enslaved themselves?

This scene would have been much funnier with nigger slaves.


12-12-2019, 12:43 AM


Odin's balls
12-12-2019, 04:17 PM
You of all members should know the fable about Queen Charlotte (m. to George III). Supposedly, 15 generations back, she had a Spanish ancestor who might have had Moorish ancestors. Problem is, even if true, Moors are not niggers.

You mean Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz?

Niggers will probably claim that is an Ethiopian name from before the time of Christ and YT stole it.

Niggers aren't very good at history. Thats why liberals have to rewrite it for them.

Rape Ape
12-12-2019, 06:52 PM
Sheeit Maing! Weez beez all Jooze an sheeit, when we ain't beez Gypshunz, gnomesane! :lmao

Only fucking niggers.

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-12-2019, 10:53 PM
You mean Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz?

Niggers will probably claim that is an Ethiopian name from before the time of Christ and YT stole it.

Niggers aren't very good at history. Thats why liberals have to rewrite it for them.

That's the one! During a palace tour, your current queen furthered the myth by telling hybrid sow Markle that the Windsors had a drop or two of nigger blood (which I believe) in them because of Charlotte .


12-13-2019, 12:38 AM
We frequently discuss the laughable nigger practice of appropriating the accomplishments and cultures of Human groups. One of the dumbest nigger claims is that the ugly knucklers were the original Jews -- all facts to the contrary.

So, naturally, in what passes as a nigger's "brain", it makes all the sense in the world to go shoot up a Jewish market and kill a cop and three (real Jewish) civilians.

There should be a sticky somewhere listing all the nigger claims that we all know are ridiculous.

"We wuz Gypshuns an' sheeeit"...

"We bilt dis' cuhntry"...

"Dar wuz a black Queen of Englun, yo"...

"We discovert 'Merica befo' Columbuz deeeeid"...

"We wus dah firss Youmans an' sheeeit"...


Those NIGGERS were the same fucking pavement apes that messed witht he Covington Catholic kids 11 months ago!! I am glad that Nick Sandman is suing the lamestream media!!

12-14-2019, 03:46 AM
Niggers: The Original Cultural Appropriators

12-14-2019, 10:20 AM
"We discovert 'Merica befo' Columbuz deeeeid"...

One of the stupidest things an online nigger troll ever said to me was that West Africa groids founded the Central American civilizations, and their hieroglyphics can be readily read by any modern niggers that speak Mende. That's news to archaeologists, the real ones who know Mende click-clack is a thousand years younger than the youngest hieroglyphics, and news to us, who know that niggers rockfish anytime they sail 20 feet from shore.

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-14-2019, 04:19 PM
One of the stupidest things an online nigger troll ever said to me was that West Africa groids founded the Central American civilizations, and their hieroglyphics can be readily read by any modern niggers that speak Mende. That's news to archaeologists, the real ones who know Mende click-clack is a thousand years younger than the youngest hieroglyphics, and news to us, who know that niggers rockfish anytime they sail 20 feet from shore.

I've heard that fable too. The problems with all these nigger appropriation myths is that they take place in the past and are not part of recorded history -- whether written or physical evidence.

And if niggers are so capable, why haven't they duplicated their "successes" in the present day?

I've been to nigger Africa (Kenya) and seen how niggers exist. These are not the descendants of "kangs an' kweens an' sheeeit".

They are niggers.

12-14-2019, 07:52 PM
I've heard that fable too. The problems with all these nigger appropriation myths is that they take place in the past and are not part of recorded history -- whether written or physical evidence.

And if niggers are so capable, why haven't they duplicated their "successes" in the present day?

I've been to nigger Africa (Kenya) and seen how niggers exist. These are not the descendants of "kangs an' kweens an' sheeeit".

They are niggers.

These niggers believe that knowledge is a physical, concrete thing that was stolen from them from the "white devils". They are clearly taking the movie The Wiz quite seriously. They also believe they have MELANIN powers and equate themselves to some sort of pre historic Nigger Justice League.

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-14-2019, 08:15 PM
These niggers believe that knowledge is a physical, concrete thing that was stolen from them from the "white devils". They are clearly taking the movie The Wiz quite seriously. They also believe they have MELANIN powers and equate themselves to some sort of pre historic Nigger Justice League.

Niggers have such an innate inferiority complex that they will willingly accept even the most preposterous of claims if it makes them feel less like niggers.

The "Black Israelite" claim made by the nigger in the OP is utterly ridiculous. Judaism arose in the eastern Mediterranean almost 4,000 years ago, thousands of miles from the closest nigger population. The history of the Jews has been meticulously documented from it's origins during the time of Abraham. In 2019, most niggers worldwide are effectively illiterate. 4,000 years ago, certainly all of them were. We know that to be fact because there are simply no nigger writings from antiquity.

Not a goddamned one!

That is a common theme that runs throughout nigger "history" -- many claims, but no evidence to back up those claims.

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-15-2019, 09:11 AM
One of the dumbest nigger claims is that the ugly knucklers were the original Jews -- all facts to the contrary.

I think you're making the widespread mistake of regarding Groids as "humans" with whom you can engage in discussions about Human history.

These animals (below pictures) are simply anthropoid apes. They and their amalgamated progeny (groids in America, Europe, Australia, and South Africa) belong in the jungles of Africa.

10402 10403

If it wasn't for the "brown" mixed-blooded groid abominations in the US, Europe, Australia, and South Africa, groids would have been correctly classified, long ago, as just another kind of ape beast, inhabiting forests of Africa.

However, thanks to centuries of Christian and Libtard practices of spreading false information and bestiality (with groid apes), we are forced to cohabit with these animals in human societies and regard them as a "race" of "humans".

Mentat of House Atreides
12-15-2019, 10:45 AM
Wait now, c'mon! I'm confused! Who am I supposed to believed the shooters were...

Tlaib the Slob

“This is heartbreaking. White supremacy kills,” Ms. Tlaib, a Michigan Democrat, wrote from her personal Twitter account.


Graham and Anderson

David Anderson was a one-time follower of the Black Hebrew Israelites, a group whose members believe they are ancient Israelites' true descendants. Francine Graham met him -- and then turned into a 'dark person,' her neighbor says

New York NBC?

Midder Peenud Hayed
12-15-2019, 04:49 PM
[SIZE=3]I think you're making the widespread mistake of regarding Groids as "humans"...

I have never made that mistake. I've known from my earliest impressions that niggers are not Human. I was passive about my loathing of niggers through most of my early years, but after being right in the middle of the Rodney King nigger riots when I was a barely 18 y/o freshman, I made a conscious choice to become a pro-Human activist. Since then, I have been very active in spreading the truth about the true nature of the nigger.