View Full Version : (Walmart) - Razor blades hidden on shopping cart handles

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-02-2019, 08:47 PM

(Austin, Texas) - Cedar Park resident Silver Taylor never thought she had to check under store’s cart for something like a razor blade … until Nov. 13 when she said a blade cut her several times at Walmart.

Taylor said she didn’t even notice until someone else pointed out the blood on her hands. The incident put her in the hospital and now she’s dealing with a slow recovery.

Brad Wurster, Taylor’s attorney claims other Walmart stores have had the same problem: hidden blades hurting other people.


I was going to post a Nigdar smiley, but I don't think that's necessary. This news screams NIGGERS!

12-03-2019, 09:21 AM
I bet there is a nigger out there. A nigger trying to think of a way to get one over on whitey.

"I knows wuts I is going do! I is finna put razor blades on dur shopping carts!"

Only a nigger would do something so despicable. All niggers are low functioning sociopaths that derive pleasure from the suffering of others. There is not a single nigger, no matter how high yellow it may be, that deserves to live in the USA.

No nigger has ever earned the right to live here.

They need to be rounded up and sent to a place where they can be isolated and kept away from the human species. Prison would be a good start, but Africa would be even better.

At least in prison it would be significantly more difficult for them to breed.

Buck Simian
12-03-2019, 11:10 AM
Reason #154,863 that i hate niggers. Just one more case of niggetry that i have to watch out for.

12-03-2019, 05:32 PM
Stuff like this used to be just urban legends, but then they became real.

12-03-2019, 07:11 PM
Stuff like this used to be just urban legends, but then they became real.

You mean like those Halloween urban legends regarding razor blades in candy?


(Or the ones about hippies giving your kids cannabis edibles, and causing your kids to develop reefer madness? It is entirely possible that they may do that these days, along with handing out literature about how miscegenation is "good for humanity.")