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View Full Version : Octavious Wiggins arrested for beating its sow-friend's turd to death.

Allah the Pig-Fucker
12-01-2019, 05:33 PM
TNB galore!

Octavious Wiggins was arrested Thursday on charges of aggravated nig-slaughter of a niglet and of niglet "abuse" in the November killing of Jeremiah Malachi Bradshaw.

Wiggins refused to appear before Judge Charles Burton for a bail hearing Friday. Its stepmammy said after the brief hearing that Wiggins is innocent. The mammy said its gooot boooy never intended to hurt the turd.

Octavious claimed to have "blacked out" (i.e. chimped out) when it beat nigger-shit Jeremiah. Turd's 5-year-old sibling told West Palm Beach police that "Tay" gave Jeremiah a "whooping" after the niglet fell in the road.


12-01-2019, 05:46 PM
:bat That will teach that niglet to fall in the road. I bet it won't do THAT again! :bat

Octavious turned that bad niglet into a good niglet.

That is how niggers get shit done!!

12-01-2019, 06:05 PM
There was a period of my life when rage was a large part of it. I can tell you that rage blackouts are a thing. That being said this nigger is guilty and that is not an excuse just because he doesn't remember. Though I bet he does.

It only ever happened to me once and it scared the hell out of me. The last thing I remembered was leaving work angry and then sitting on the couch watching TV with no memory of how I got there. I drove for almost 45 minutes in a complete trance. There is about an hour of missing time in there I do not remember. My neighbor told me I was screaming like a lunatic about some traffic thing. That was when I decided I had to learn to vent before I hit that point.

12-01-2019, 06:25 PM
Octavious Wiggins

Aside from that utter nonsense, do sows not realize that their bucks WILL murder any sprogs from previous muh dikkins that the sow did? They murder their own niglets, never mind the shat-out results of other bucks. But OTOH, mudsharks haven't caught onto that either, so how would a sow realize it?

12-02-2019, 08:08 AM
:bat That will teach that niglet to fall in the road. I bet it won't do THAT again! :bat

Not so fast, there Creepy:


See, it could still happen.

12-02-2019, 12:59 PM
Not so fast, there Creepy:


See, it could still happen.

Niggers! Couldn't stop shucking and jiving long enough to plant the dead nog. Always failures.