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View Full Version : Triggered Merkel Had to “Restrain Herself” When Criticizing Trump

06-04-2017, 11:58 AM
Liberals everywhere are LOSING IT over President Trump leaving the Paris Climate Agreement. But no one is more upset than Angela Merkel. The German Chancellor*is more concerned and upset with climate change than radical Islam swallowing her country whole. Apparently, Merkel had to “restrain herself” in her latest criticism of Trump upon his exit from the corrupt Paris Accord. From The Daily Caller German Chancellor Angela Merkel called President Donald Trump’s decision to pull out of the Paris Agreement “extremely regrettable” during a news conference Friday. Merkel urged the rest of the world to*“look to the future” and step up

More... (http://truthfeed.com/triggered-merkel-had-to-restrain-herself-when-criticizing-trump/78689/)