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View Full Version : Game of Thrones prequel axed for being "too woke and subversive"

Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-13-2019, 04:05 AM
The Game of Thrones prequel was axed after HBO decided the £30million pilot was “too woke”.

It was to feature the first White Walker as a nigger, put lesbian characters at the heart of the plot and make one of Ned Stark’s ancestors a mulatto abomination.

The series, in which the main theme was to be colonialism, was being run by writer and producer Jane Goldman (pic below).

A source said: “HBO were terrified the first prequel would scare hardcore fans. It was very different to the original series. It was very woke and subversive."



11-13-2019, 01:10 PM
So HBO's producers luckily came to their senses: they'd sink tens of millions into something only 10% of viewers would watch past the first episode.

SC Anemia
11-13-2019, 01:14 PM
I never got into GOT anyway, at least past a few episodes. Every episode seemed like it was the same. Dark lighting, a plot that seemed pointless and repeating. Just some people in ye olde tymes traveling somewhere and occasionally sword fighting, repeat, sex, swords, more sex, swords, repeat, traveling somewhere else, sex. Yawn.

11-13-2019, 02:34 PM
Interesting that they would use the word 'subversive'. That's actually pretty strong language, coming from Hollyweird.

11-13-2019, 03:37 PM
Subversive? I thought putting niggers and gays in every show was now mandatory.

They did this in the otherwise excellent "Black Sails." Captain Flint is now gay, Anne Bonny (who was real person!) is a surly dyke, and a whole bunch of noble nigger slaves built an entire community out of the forest in a way they could never do even today. One sow even lectured a bunch of pirates, including Blackbeard, who sat there and agreed. That's when I stopped watching.

No one seemed to have any problem at all with this subversiveness, down to perverting real people.