View Full Version : She boon tennis player assaults white girl after losing tennis match

Whitey Ford
11-10-2019, 02:09 AM
Handshake provokes fight between Canadian and American tennis pros



After a thrown racket and an aggressive post-match handshake, two young professional tennis players sparked a fight off the court at the Henderson Tennis Open in Las Vegas.

Canadian Katherine Sebov, 20, secured the 6-0, 7-6 victory over 18-year-old American, Alycia Parks. The win caused a celebratory outburst and Parks (wearing pink shorts in the video below) was unpleased and reacted by tossing her racket to the ground.

The two then met at the net for the traditional sign of sportsmanship, but the handshake was a little too aggressive for Parks’ liking. She then approached the chair umpire in protest for the combative way Sebov shook her hand.


Mentat of House Atreides
11-10-2019, 08:20 AM
Niggers are animals!

11-10-2019, 10:33 AM
So the boon knew it lost and it's only recourse was to try to start a fight over the human handshake?

I tried my best with multiple playbacks but could not understand one damn thing any of those niggers were yelling after the sheboon lost.

Niggers ruin everything. I can't think of a single sport invented by niggers but the list of sports they have fucked up grows every damn day. What next? Hockey? NASCAR? I can just imagine niggers losing a race only to do a drive by on victory lane pulling out their guns (another human invention) and shooting every human in sight.

11-10-2019, 11:33 AM
could not understand one damn thing any of those niggers were yelling after the sheboon lost.

That "coach" that came flying ass over heels from the stands was ooking something about what "we people have to go through" because winning a tennis game is rayciss.

What next? Hockey? NASCAR?



Allah the Pig-Fucker
11-10-2019, 12:25 PM
The ONLY sport niggers should be allowed to participate in is Vine Swinging from tree to tree.

They should compete with their own kind, the Ape kind.


It's completely unfair to human ladies who are forced to play tennis against female silverbacks like Gorilla Williams


11-10-2019, 01:04 PM
That "coach" that came flying ass over heels from the stands was ooking something about what "we people have to go through" because winning a tennis game is rayciss.



That is one ballsy fellow redneck I'd like to drink a beer with!!!

Where did he find such wonderful attire?

White Orchid
11-10-2019, 03:15 PM
So the boon knew it lost and it's only recourse was to try to start a fight over the human handshake?

I tried my best with multiple playbacks but could not understand one damn thing any of those niggers were yelling after the sheboon lost.

Niggers ruin everything. I can't think of a single sport invented by niggers but the list of sports they have fucked up grows every damn day. What next? Hockey? NASCAR? I can just imagine niggers losing a race only to do a drive by on victory lane pulling out their guns (another human invention) and shooting every human in sight.

Hockey already has a scattering of niggers in it but fortunately aren't as welcome by fans. One nigger player actually had to be escorted by police after receiving threats:


As for NASCAR, you pretty much painted an accurate scene. Could you imagine the CAT 5 chimpouts if they wrecked or lost a race?

11-10-2019, 08:34 PM
The sad part is they will just sell this as "Americans" instead of what it is, niggers. The sow was looking for a scuffle and just used the handshake as an excuse. She should be barred from playing ever again. But then the race card would be played.

Rape Ape
11-10-2019, 08:45 PM

Goddammit I love this site!
Tennis and Golf used to be the sports of white gentlemen.
Then they brought in the apes.

Maybe swinging around on the monkey bars (i.e. chimpnastics) or the javelin throw (i.e. spear chuck) because it comes naturally to jungle savages, but really, niggers don't belong in human sports in any way.

11-10-2019, 10:32 PM
Niggers will never succeed at NASCAR, cause once they take the tires off the car, they'd all flee. Also, the strobe lights on the pace car would make em leave the track!

11-10-2019, 11:37 PM

Goddammit I love this site!
Tennis and Golf used to be the sports of white gentlemen.
Then they brought in the apes.

Maybe swinging around on the monkey bars (i.e. chimpnastics) or the javelin throw (i.e. spear chuck) because it comes naturally to jungle savages, but really, niggers don't belong in human sports in any way.

Don't forget running> They're good at that:


11-11-2019, 11:10 AM
Don't forget running> They're good at that:


It's running from it's sowapotomus cause she be lookinz fo hurr child suppoat checks.

Serpents reign
11-12-2019, 08:48 AM
What happened to good sportsmanship and accepting defeat at your batter? This ugly nigger bitch resorts to violence at a tennis match. Are you fucking kidding me? Why is this accepted there in a human sport anyway? They go to Pieces over nothing and act like small children if they don't get their way. They can't accept any sort of defeat because that would be disrespecting them in some way and they can't have that the so it results in some sort of violence. If not that then they end up tracking you down and killing you. This is absolutely absurd that we allow these animals to live among us.

11-12-2019, 08:02 PM
but the handshake was a little too aggressive for Parks’ liking.

Do sports writes really believe their nigger-coddling bullshit? Then the she-nig tripled up the lies on Twitter, claiming the white girl "squeezed" hard and had "anger." What really happened was the nigger trying to do a bone-crushing grip, the white girl had to push the nigger away, and then the nigger does the usual "I be all victimized an sheet!"

Whitey Ford
11-12-2019, 08:26 PM
Niggers will never succeed at NASCAR, cause once they take the tires off the car, they'd all flee. Also, the strobe lights on the pace car would make em leave the track!

Niggers are trying to muscle in on NASCAR.
Self-Styled Diversity Guru Drops $500 Million Racial Discrimination Lawsuit Against NASCAR

A 2016 lawsuit alleging that NASCAR racially discriminated against the efforts of Terrance Cox III to start a race team and other diversity-oriented efforts has been dropped, reports ESPN. Cox promoted himself as a diversity guru who wanted to increase black participation in NASCAR, but his relationship with the series soured to the point where Cox began organizing protests against it.

Cox and his Diversity Motorsports Racing, LLC, entity sued NASCAR, International Speedway Corporation and a host of teams for $500 million in 2016, only to drop his claims against the International Speedway Corporation when the lawsuit was refiled in December 2016, and drop the claims against the teams in February 2017. NASCAR was the only defendant left until Cox dropped the lawsuit entirely this month.


11-12-2019, 08:58 PM
Do sports writes really believe their nigger-coddling bullshit? Then the she-nig tripled up the lies on Twitter, claiming the white girl "squeezed" hard and had "anger." What really happened was the nigger trying to do a bone-crushing grip, the white girl had to push the nigger away, and then the nigger does the usual "I be all victimized an sheet!"

Yeah, right. We all knew exactly what was going to happen after that irate sheboon hurled the racket down in the usual display of good sportsmanship. Why would the winner "have anger"?