View Full Version : Lie-a-watha fires her nigger

10-05-2019, 08:16 PM
None of the other news outlets show a picture of the muh dikker.


Does this make her an “Indian Giver”?

10-05-2019, 10:25 PM
A nigger behaving inappropriately? I don't believe it!

Cracka Jack
10-05-2019, 11:43 PM
100-150 libtards at her campaign rally!


Go Lieawatha Go!!! :lol

10-05-2019, 11:45 PM
Libtards will never understand, at least not in our lifetimes, that niggers are not human. They are niggers. Inappropriate behavior (by human standards) is normal for nigger animals. Sudden chimping out, muh-dikking, stealing, robbing, raping, stabbing, shooting, stinking, shitting on sidewalks, illogical unintelligible babble, ingesting drugs and ooking are are normal behaviors for nigger animals. Normal, well adjusted humans do not engage in such uncivilized behaviors.

A high level of brainpower, self control and the idea of morals and ethics are what set humans apart from animals. Niggers do not comprehend these concepts, and therefore, it should be obvious that they are not human. This doesn't even include the strong resemblance to gorillas, chimpanzees and various other species of apes that niggers possess.

Someday the truth will be accepted by society. It usually is; it just takes time for mistaken notions to fade away. Niggers are meant to be servant animals. They need to be trained, controlled and cared for like any other animal

10-07-2019, 01:30 AM
'I would never intentionally engage in any behavior inconsistent with the campaign or my own values.

'If others feel that I have, I understand it is important to listen even when you disagree. I wish the campaign and my colleagues well.'

A source told Politico that there were no reports of sexual assault, but could not give further details due to confidentiality.

Niggers don't believe that forcing muh dikk is forcing muh dikk. They're entitled to it, like that feetsball nigger that raped a white woman as "payback for slavery."

Of course the Warren campaign won't allow any reports of muh dikk, let alone charges filed. It would ruin the campaign.

10-07-2019, 08:21 PM
Not even a depraved nigger buck wanted to see grammas “Gitche Gumee”.