View Full Version : Need advice

Cat fur allergic
10-05-2019, 09:52 AM
I got a damn ticket for liter on the side walk. Nigglets and brown kids throw them down on the streets all the time. I clean about once a day. Each time I go in and tell useless civil judges. Literal garbage blows around the side walk all the time. Can't do shit about it. They still make me pay the damn fine.

Is there a way to get the damn useless nigger loving city not to fine me. I'm out of ideas. These sneaky assholes came this morning and gave me a ticket. But the sidewalk is clean. Probably by the time I'm up the tissue and plastic got blown to some other part of the street I'm on etc...

These petty fines going to push me over the edge one day. I'm about there soon.

Cat fur allergic
10-05-2019, 12:06 PM
May I suggest going to court in "BlackFace" shinola works the best and don't forget your hand and arms to complete that nigger look. Also when you're in court paying your fine be sure to wear a T-shirt that says : "NO Illegal Immigrants" "Deport Them ALL"

Also when your out on the street in front of the court house be sure to chant very loudly "NO Illegal Immigrants" "Deport Them ALL"

Then when de OilDriller fines you 250,000 dollars for saying that and violating your 1st amendment rights... sue the hell out of the city for violation your right to free speech.

Go for the human lotto - hell niggers do it everyday, why not teach de OilDriller a lesson and make the city pay for it.

Love the idea, but probably won't make it outside alive LOL. Last time I was at court with this. I got a she boon judge. I show her google maps and pictures I took of my area. How I'm on the down hill side of block. etc.. She was super buddy buddy with the nigger ahead of me. He wasn't guilty. When I was next. Her smile changed and she didn't even bother listening to me.

God I hate the she boons and nigger lovers of NYC.

Cat fur allergic
10-05-2019, 12:11 PM
Then just wear the T-shirt, as you know de oildriller passed a new law that says " you can NOT say Illegal Immigrant in NYC or you will get fined 250k

This is a clear violation of the 1st amendment and your freedom of speech.

Go for the human ghetto lotto and you will end up with millions in your pocket.

LOL I likes my money much as my life :p. Plus I'll need it for my retirement to live in another country or some shit lol.