View Full Version : Ilhan Omar's fellow Minnesota Mudslimes are turning against her

Whitey Ford
09-08-2019, 08:35 PM
Ilhan Omar Challenged in Minnesota by Muslim Reformers

Muslim reformers are challenging the Islamist narrative Congresswoman Ilhan Omar represents — and they’re taking this challenge straight to her district in Minnesota by holding a “Muslim town hall.”

The video is a dig at Omar who bashed Ani Zonneveld, president of Muslims for Progressive Values, for asking Omar a question about female genital mutilation (FGM). Zonneveld asked Omar to make a statement against FGM, to which Omar launched into a tirade against Zonneveld, calling her request an “appaling question.”


Rape Ape
09-08-2019, 11:07 PM

Midder Peenud Hayed
09-08-2019, 11:38 PM
I would love to see this bitch be stripped of her statutory citizenship for using an alias on her immigration application.

Its real name is "Ilhan Nur Said Elmi".

It should also be criminally prosecuted if the dumb bitch committed immigration fraud by marrying her fag brother for the purposes of getting him a resident card.

That shit pisses me off greatly! My wife (Canadian) and I were married in the summer of 2001. We started her naturalization process in early 2002, did everything right, jumped through all the hoops, I had a father working at the Pentagon with friends at State (a card we never used), and do you know when she finally was able to take the oath...?

Spring 2005 when she was a couple months away from giving birth to our first ankle-biters.

If we would have been Moslem nigger Africans they probably would have given us U.S. passports 5 minutes after stepping off the boat!

Such a double fucking standard...

09-09-2019, 09:02 AM
She promised them they could start behaving and committing crimes just like the place they "fled" from. When this turned out to be a promise she could not keep, they tuned on her.