View Full Version : She-nig's friend places order spelling out "racial slur" for its name, then they blame the restaurant

09-04-2019, 11:15 AM
Cue nigger lotto.

According to the outlet, the owner of the establishment claimed that the server did not know how to spell the name “Nyjah” and that the racist slur somehow instead ended up on the bill.

Allegedly, the restaurant claims Vest’s co-worker had actually called to place the order for the food, and “spelled out the racial slur to [the server] letter by letter,” Fox 5 reports.

Vest, meanwhile, said this simply can’t be true.

Vest did not comment further on the restaurant's allegations that her co-worker spelled out the offensive phrase in lieu of her name.


What stupid writing. There's no "Allegedly" about the restaurant's response, that's what they're saying, true or not.


09-04-2019, 05:39 PM
I think the spelling came out as "Niger" as in the country knee-sheer, and not NIGGER.

I find this funny: years ago, I used to buy wild bird seed, and there's a black variety called Niger seed. Spelled out just like that. Later, it became a registered name spelled out as Nyjer. Bird seeds are racist.

09-05-2019, 09:12 AM
Someone said nigger and that's news?
well then we should be on the news 29 hours a day 9 days a week.