View Full Version : Meanwhile in Nigeria, sow Mama Thankgod swears by corpse to see if the voodoo gods will punish her

08-23-2019, 10:16 PM
The other niggers think Mama Thankgod killed some sow who "fell sick and died". Of course, none of the niggers know why she died.

In the video, Mama Thankgod is seen being made to hold the hand of the deceased and swear by it. According to the tradition, if after 7 days nothing happens to Mama Thankgod, then she is innocent.

Sounds like a very scientific approach to crime-solving in 2019.

These are the feral, superstitious, small-brained niggers all the European countries are allowing to invade them. I wish them luck with their new neighbours.


DJ Stoopnig
08-23-2019, 10:48 PM
Not even sure how to react to that. So much TNB! And why was the hand of the corpse so pale? Was that a glove? I like how she just drops the hand of the good nigger and lets it plop into the casket. Niggers have no respect.

08-23-2019, 11:08 PM
Apparently niggers are too lazy for riggor-mortis.
They just lay there and do nothing...
Like always.

08-24-2019, 07:58 AM
The other niggers think Mama Thankgod killed some sow who "fell sick and died". Of course, none of the niggers know why she died.

Sounds like a very scientific approach to crime-solving in 2019.

These are the feral, superstitious, small-brained niggers all the European countries are allowing to invade them. I wish them luck with their new neighbours.


They and the muzzies will be the destruction of Europe!!:fume:unigger:gibs:gorilla

08-24-2019, 10:14 AM
To put this in perspective, imagine your neighbour is found "slumped" and dead. Instead of examining the scene and taking the body for an autopsy to determine the cause and time of death your nieghbours say he was dead "for some time" and assume you probably killed him because, well - you live next door.

Instead of an investigation, some rabble says that they're going to make you hold the hand of the corpse and swear on it while everyone on your street mills around babbling and shouting. They will then observe you for a week to see if any misfortune befalls you. If not, you're declared not guilty. However, the family of the deceased disagrees and argues that the period of observation/no bad luck should be six months. More babbling ensues.

And this is what Richard Gere and others like him think humans should be forced to embrace and live with (with YOU and not with HIM, of course). These primitive IQ65 savages are what we are told are "just like us."

And why was the hand of the corpse so pale?

Maybe the deceased was related to Minnie Mouse? :lol


08-25-2019, 08:53 AM
They are literally stuck in the Stone Age with all these superstitions. Look at this other article from the site.

An Ivorian pastor has declared that God has appointed him to resurrect deceased Ivorian DJ and Singer, DJ Arafat.

According to the pastor identified as Koffi Duchrist, he can resurrect DJ Arafat but on the condition that he gets permission from the biological family of Arafat and Minister Hameb Bakayoko, who is Arafat’s godfather.

He added that some forces in the music industry who don’t want DJ Arafat to be resurrected but God has declared and he will revive him.
“God told me to do this live and wait for a period of 5 days, that is to say by Friday at the latest, that I get in touch with the family of Dj Arafat.

If the family of Dj Arafat calls me at once I will leave and whatever the number of formol they put in the body of Arafat, the Lord Jesus will resurrect it.


08-25-2019, 12:46 PM
Those Africoon news sites are a goldmine of hilarity. Here's some advice from the Nigerian police force for niggers being arrested and that should be passed on to the North American Pavement Ape. :lol Yeah, as if.

*Politely demand to know the reason for your arrest. It is your right to know. Also, where the officers have not disclosed their identity, courteously request their identity and where they came from, or the office where they work.

— Nigeria Police Force (@PoliceNG) May 13, 2019