View Full Version : SWANTRON Be All Irish An Sheit

Master Sergeant
08-01-2019, 12:23 PM


Swantron Mcgill
Booking Number: 3235083
Booking on: 7/31/2019
County: Gaston
Date of Birth: 1/13/1987
Gender: Buck
Race: Nigger
Violation Description: Failure to Appear, Misdemeanor
Violation Description: Failure to Appear, Misdemeanor
Violation Description: Failure to Appear, Misdemeanor
Violation Description: Failure to Appear, Misdemeanor

08-01-2019, 12:54 PM
That's the kind of nigger name we can't even figure out how to pronounce.

"Sheeit, where be Swantruhn?"
"Maign, dat be SwanTRAHN, muhfuggas!"

Master Sergeant
08-01-2019, 02:11 PM
Swantron translated in ebonics means "failure to appear":lmao:lmao

08-01-2019, 02:14 PM
Swantron translated in ebonics means "failure to appear"

Bwhahaha! :lol

How do sows pick names for their niglets, anyway? And how are niggers getting Irish names? I'm offended by this cultural appropriation.

Rape Ape
08-01-2019, 04:11 PM
That must be a model of robot that stops working when it's painted black.

DJ Stoopnig
08-01-2019, 06:11 PM

08-01-2019, 06:24 PM
I thought of the old SCANTRON test forms. Old ass ancient technology.

OK, I'm not meaning to offend anyone, but I'm throwing this out there:

Remember ROOTS, when the niggers became friendly with the newly arrived Irish LEGAL immigrants?
Back then, the Irish, poor targets of discrimination, were lumped with the blacks. Many of you already know this, but what's important are with all progressive peoples who come here, they built on what they had and worked hard and moved up, just like anyone else. In other words, they assimilated and became American, knowing their roots, but not putting it in your face all day long (like the Hispanics, and I make a distinction here, the ones that are always saying "La Raza"). Hispanic ICE agents - they're the best! They know that America is bigger than any one of us, and I'm sure they're always insulted by their blood relatives. (Of course there's some errant fools who think they can make $$$ by being the coyotes).

Back to the Irish, remember Gangs of New York? The locals didn't want the newcomers, and there was always a fight. Ironically, the American leader was played by the Irish Daniel Day Lewis. I thought that was funny.

Back then, Irish were called "niggers turned inside out", and the niggers were called "smoked Irish".

Then the Italians and the Poles came...

Again, didn't mean to offend anyone, just history. One thing for sure, niggers came in the early 1600s, yet, they're still Homo erectus.

08-01-2019, 06:59 PM
Again, didn't mean to offend anyone, just history.

I know that facts, history and statistic are now "racist" and need to be altered and discarded, but I have no problem with it. I know my Irish ancestors were treated like vermin when they landed in Canada and Boston. But they persisted and built lives for themselves with not an EBT card in sight. Ads like this abounded (maybe I should start demanding "reparashuns"?):