View Full Version : 60 "Teens" loot Walgreens in Philly on 4th of July

Cracka Jack
07-09-2019, 10:33 PM
The usual TNB.

SC Anemia
07-09-2019, 10:39 PM
Is it just me or did the beginning of the CCTV footage look like an evolution poster?

07-10-2019, 03:56 AM
Act like an uncivilized ape, then expect to be taken seriously as a human equal.
Nope niggers, doesn't work that way.
But in all fairness to you savages, you could turn out to be a magic nigger doctor or other professional, but in the end, you're still a nigger.

07-10-2019, 10:42 AM

07-10-2019, 10:46 AM
Coming to every store near you complements of niggers...


07-10-2019, 12:28 PM
Coming to every store near you complements of niggers...


Why do gas stations, and in inner cities small convenience stores and liquor stores, use those security windows and trays? Don't post offices in some places also use security windows? It's not because of white teens.

07-10-2019, 06:55 PM
Why do gas stations, and in inner cities small convenience stores and liquor stores, use those security windows and trays? Don't post offices in some places also use security windows? It's not because of white teens.

On one of my first trips to Jacksonville FL I ended up on 103rd ave. I was a little annoyed you couldn't pay at the pump so I went in to pay cash. Immediately after walking in I knew I was in the wrong neighborhood. The cashier area was covered floor to ceiling with bulletproof glass. All of the liquor was back there. Even the nigger working the register looked happy to see someone come in who wasn't a nigger just wanting to pay and get the hell out of dodge.

Have you ever been into a pawn shop? They are pretty much the same. When I was younger I would pop in them because every now and then you could find a nice antique firearm. These days I would not step foot in them even if you paid me just to browse.

07-11-2019, 12:26 PM
On one of my first trips to Jacksonville FL I ended up on 103rd ave. I was a little annoyed you couldn't pay at the pump so I went in to pay cash. Immediately after walking in I knew I was in the wrong neighborhood. The cashier area was covered floor to ceiling with bulletproof glass. All of the liquor was back there. Even the nigger working the register looked happy to see someone come in who wasn't a nigger just wanting to pay and get the hell out of dodge.

Have you ever been into a pawn shop? They are pretty much the same. When I was younger I would pop in them because every now and then you could find a nice antique firearm. These days I would not step foot in them even if you paid me just to browse.

I've never been to Jacksonville and honestly never plan to. Some years back I had an incredible job opportunity there, a huge career step. I knew nothing about the city, started looking at neighborhoods and crime rates, then realized why the company was offering so much! I'd need spend a fortune to live in a good neighborhood and not commute through the bad parts of town. It's like in Star Trek when the Voyager crew found what seemed to be a safe passage through Borg space.

I've hated pawn shops ever since I was little. Sandman Sr. wanted to look inside one after taking me to the park, and even a kid could tell how seedy that place was. Mrs. S had a phase where she went to a few around here, looking for jewelry deals. We live in a pretty good area, and pawn shops don't have to be shielded like inner cities, but I was still upset she went alone. I don't want her going to any even when she finally gets her CCW. A while ago, a couple of gangbangers tried holding one up, but I think their cheap gun misfired, and then the store employee pulled out a shotgun. Trouble is only going to get more common as more niggers and HUD Hispanics move into the adjacent town. I've told Mrs. S that I don't care if it's a pawn shop, grocery store, post office or the mall, if we go somewhere and it's a bunch of niggers hanging around, or even humans with bandanas and sagging pants, get the hell out fast.