View Full Version : Justice for a$ap Rocky, nigger cRapper

07-09-2019, 09:17 PM
Nearly 130,000 individuals, including prominent figures within the nigger cRap music industry and nigger-loving wiggers, have signed a petition demanding the release of cRapper A$AP Rocky from Swedish officials following its arrest on Wednesday, July 6.

If they arrested it in Sweden it must have done some major TNB and assaults.


08-15-2019, 09:46 AM
So this NAPA cRapper, Rocky Rakim Mayers, was found guilty of assault in Sweden but given no additional jail time.


Sweden sent the nigger back to the US on August 2 after keeping it caged for 1 month.

Pretty sure they gave no additional time in NU because they dont want the filthy nigger back in their country.

I dont blame them, nobody wants niggers.

I just wish they had shipped it back to Africa instead of the US.

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