View Full Version : I try not to blame victims, but you get what you deserve if you go to nigger countries on vacation

06-08-2019, 03:39 PM
I strictly don't blame victims who are truly innocent, like a woman who couldn't help being a muh dikk victim, but if a woman goes mudsharking and gets diversified, oh well. If you go to Hawaii and get killed by niggers, it's different than going to Kenya. So wah wah, more Americans (at least two are niggers) are dying or getting sick when going to the Dominican Republic. If you jumped into the lion's den at the zoo, what would you expect to happen?

Same thing with Jamaica, the Bahamas or anywhere else that would be tropical paradises if only the niggers were shipped back to Africa. Mrs. S and I have been thinking about a Caribbean cruise or other vacation, but forget it, there are too many niggers all over. Go farther north to Bermuda, one of Sandman Sr.'s favorites? Even that island is now half nigger.


06-09-2019, 02:17 PM
Visit the Atlantic maritimes of Canada. It's gorgeous country, the people are some of the nicest on the planet and even in the cities there are almost no niggers.

But yeah, I feel zero sympathy for the dumbasses that go to all-nigger countries that end up getting killed.

06-09-2019, 03:29 PM
I strictly don't blame victims who are truly innocent, like a woman who couldn't help being a muh dikk victim, but if a woman goes mudsharking and gets diversified, oh well. If you go to Hawaii and get killed by niggers, it's different than going to Kenya. So wah wah, more Americans (at least two are niggers) are dying or getting sick when going to the Dominican Republic. If you jumped into the lion's den at the zoo, what would you expect to happen?

Same thing with Jamaica, the Bahamas or anywhere else that would be tropical paradises if only the niggers were shipped back to Africa. Mrs. S and I have been thinking about a Caribbean cruise or other vacation, but forget it, there are too many niggers all over. Go farther north to Bermuda, one of Sandman Sr.'s favorites? Even that island is now half nigger.


The wife and i just got back from Tahiti (French Polynesia) a week ago and believe it or not we only saw 2 niggers our entire vacation there, both were the janitors :lol Then again we did stay at a 5 star resort, but even in town, NO niggers at all.

I highly recommend Tahiti

This is where we stayed: https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/French%20Polynesia/entity/CgoIms-IoOGy9Z0nEAE?g2lb=4208993%2C4223281%2C4242898%2C42 51619%2C4252106%2C4253230%2C4254308%2C4258168%2C42 58961%2C4260007%2C4262509%2C4263347%2C4264354%2C42 65959%2C4250437%2C4251518%2C4265427%2C4270859&hl=en&gl=us&un=1&q=5%20star%20resorts%20in%20Tahiti&rp=OAJAAEgC&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwie4envjt3iAhWKjlkKHevbAeYQvS4wAXoECAoQK g&hrf=CgUIrAIQACIDVVNEKhYKBwjjDxAHGAMSBwjjDxAHGAQYAS gAOAWSAQYKAggBIAE&tcfs=EhoaGAoKMjAxOS0wNy0wMxIKMjAxOS0wNy0wNFICSAU

SC Anemia
06-09-2019, 04:46 PM
This is where we stayed: https://www.google.com/travel/hotels/French%20Polynesia/entity/CgoIms-IoOGy9Z0nEAE?g2lb=4208993%2C4223281%2C4242898%2C42 51619%2C4252106%2C4253230%2C4254308%2C4258168%2C42 58961%2C4260007%2C4262509%2C4263347%2C4264354%2C42 65959%2C4250437%2C4251518%2C4265427%2C4270859&hl=en&gl=us&un=1&q=5%20star%20resorts%20in%20Tahiti&rp=OAJAAEgC&ictx=1&ved=2ahUKEwie4envjt3iAhWKjlkKHevbAeYQvS4wAXoECAoQK g&hrf=CgUIrAIQACIDVVNEKhYKBwjjDxAHGAMSBwjjDxAHGAQYAS gAOAWSAQYKAggBIAE&tcfs=EhoaGAoKMjAxOS0wNy0wMxIKMjAxOS0wNy0wNFICSAU

7054 :rofl

06-09-2019, 05:57 PM
7054 :rofl

You found that funny or is this just your twisted sense of humor...

SC Anemia
06-09-2019, 07:17 PM
You found that funny or is this just your twisted sense of humor...

Just my marvelous sense of humor. It's a gift. :lol

Seriously though, that looks like a slice of Heaven.


Belly up on a lounge chair somewhere here with a little rum & whatever. Yeah man!

06-18-2019, 12:29 PM
A bunch of white teens (or at least a group with one white girl) all got sick in the Dominicoon Republic. They ate at a "Japanese" restaurant in a nigger country? Really? They're getting IVs from niggers in a nigger-run hospital in a nigger country? Really? No fucks given here when they get AIDS.


Kaffir Kony
06-18-2019, 02:00 PM
They are poisoning tourists in Mexican resorts too. I guess buying cheap fake liquor or pouring chemicals in it to make it go further.
I guess the niggers learned it from them.

Odin's balls
06-18-2019, 02:41 PM
Visit the Atlantic maritimes of Canada. It's gorgeous country, the people are some of the nicest on the planet and even in the cities there are almost no niggers.

But yeah, I feel zero sympathy for the dumbasses that go to all-nigger countries that end up getting killed.

I seriously suggest a cruise of the Norwegian fjords and the baltic...... In summer.

Tar Remover
06-19-2019, 12:13 AM
My vacations consist of a month long road trip with Mrs. Tar Remover across the United States of America. I carry concealed always. I don't eat at nigger establishments. I don't do any business at nigger establishments.
Mrs. Tar Remover always laughs at me about a particular incident near New Orleans when late at night, needing sustenance after a long drive to hotel room, I stopped at a KFC. WHY I thought it was a great idea to go to a KFC in the middle of the night in Louisifuckin'ana is beyond me, but we didn't see anything else open. As Mrs. Tar Remover tells the story- "He walked up to the door, stopped, saw blacks, turned me around 180 degrees and hurried me away." "I love how my man protects me!"
We found an all night convenience store with a non-nigger white person and got some food and ate in our room.

06-22-2019, 09:51 PM
I seriously suggest a cruise of the Norwegian fjords and the baltic...... In summer.

Yeah, one of these days...

06-24-2019, 05:45 PM
Visit the Atlantic maritimes of Canada. It's gorgeous country, the people are some of the nicest on the planet and even in the cities there are almost no niggers.

It's beautiful there. My whole family is in NS, where there is a long history of "raycism". I remember my grandfather saying, as he drove us pas "Africville", "They're right cute when they're small." He did not approve of them when they got big. :lol
Only problem with the Maritimes: The water is too damned cold.

06-24-2019, 06:01 PM
The wife and I have been here a couple of times. Absolutely not a nigger......ever...pricey, but OMG is the place nice.


The wife and I differently going to have to hit that place for our next vacation.