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View Full Version : Nigger purse snatched and than ran over the human victim :(.

Cat fur allergic
05-10-2019, 12:10 PM
I hope they get the niggers.


05-10-2019, 01:17 PM

Niggers know they don't get hemp therapy anymore, so they can get away with outright murder. Maybe a year or two at NU after pleading down to involuntary vehicular manslaughter. "Sheeit, judge maign, we dindu nuffins, we bees all hongry cuz racism makes us unemployed, an we dint mean ta killz dat white bitch!" Then with credit for time served, they'll be out in half a year, ready to kill again.

You know what makes me :fume:fume all over again? Fucking Yahoo's ad shows niggers partying it up.