View Full Version : Muzzie nigger was the richest kang on the planet..

03-10-2019, 08:54 PM
Mansa Mura, world's richest man of all time.

The 14th-century King of Mali's fortune was so big that his generous gifts could cripple economies.


03-11-2019, 01:29 AM
These idiots haven't heard of Genghis Khan who had the biggest real estate of all time, even parts of China. Also, land in Africa means nothing. Just another fanciful and delusional nigger rich story.

Cracka Jack
03-11-2019, 05:33 AM
Kang of Nogs...... whoopie....

100% Not A Nigger
03-11-2019, 05:38 AM
Nigger rich describes this nigger. He sat on a literal goldmine and used it for fancy bling and a obnoxious trip to mecca where he crashed the economy wherever he went. If someone were to go back in time and show him (c)rap "music" he would have immediately started rapping. If chrome handguns were also given to his rivals he would have been shot. True to form after he died his sons were even more worthless than him and the nigger rigged mali "empire" collapse in TNB.

Cracka Jack
03-11-2019, 06:03 AM
I'd like to go tour the palaces he built...... Oh, right........

03-11-2019, 10:31 AM
This nigger was mentioned in a thread a while back, I think about the mythical African civilizations we're supposed to ook and awe over. Short story: all the gold supposedly in its caravan would have been several hundred pounds per person. And half the hemisphere's gold came from Mali? That's bigger bullshit than "slaves built this country."

When Abu-Bakr got rockfished trying to go a hundred yards off the coast, Musa inherited all the mud huts and shit deposits as far as its eyes could see.

There, fixed.

Whitey Ford
03-13-2019, 03:33 PM
We wuz kangz.

Midder Peenud Hayed
03-13-2019, 05:29 PM
A few years back I dug into the Mansa Musa myth. I have my doubts this nigger actually existed. The only contemporaneous written evidence I was able to find was a drawing of this nigger in a 1375 Catalan atlas. That's it. No documents, no independent accounts, only an oral fable.

If this nigger did exist as described, he was not the "richest" in history. It is often claimed Musa was worth $400 billion in gold. The problem with that claim is, it would be physically impossible for 14th Century Mali niggers to extract that much gold from the ground. They simply didn't have the technology to recover tens of millions of pounds of gold.

The relative value of gold in the 14th C. was about $1,000 (2019 dollars) per ounce. That's 25 million pounds of gold, folks! That would be about 250 lbs. of gold for every buck, sow, and niglet alive at the time in 14th C. Mali.

This whole myth doesn't pass the smell test, IMHO. There was a 14th Century nigger Muslim "empire" in parts of the region now know as Mali, but not one brick of whatever they managed to accomplish exists today. At the same time, the royal houses of Britain and Europe, using a fraction of the claimed Musa wealth, were building empires that exist in large measure today. The same is true with the Chinese dynasties. Where is the evidence there was a nigger "empire" in Mali with a ruler named "Musa" ("Mansa" means "Sultan")?

Vast wealth does not simply vanish into thin air. Either that 25 million lbs of gold is hidden in the desert somewhere or it never existed to begin with.

Cracka Jack
03-13-2019, 05:36 PM
A few years back I dug into the Mansa Musa myth. I have my doubts this nigger actually existed. The only contemporaneous written evidence I was able to find was a drawing of this nigger in a 1375 Catalan atlas. That's it. No documents, no independent accounts, only an oral fable.

If this nigger did exist as described, he was not the "richest" in history. It is often claimed Musa was worth $400 billion in gold. The problem with that claim is, it would be physically impossible for 14th Century Mali niggers to extract that much gold from the ground. They simply didn't have the technology to recover tens of millions of pounds of gold.

The relative value of gold in the 14th C. was about $1,000 (2019 dollars) per ounce. That's 25 million pounds of gold, folks! That would be about 250 lbs. of gold for every buck, sow, and niglet alive at the time in 14th C. Mali.

This whole myth doesn't pass the smell test, IMHO. There was a 14th Century nigger Muslim "empire" in parts of the region now know as Mali, but not one brick of whatever they managed to accomplish exists today. At the same time, the royal houses of Britain and Europe, using a fraction of the claimed Musa wealth, were building empires that exist in large measure today. The same is true with the Chinese dynasties. Where is the evidence there was a nigger "empire" in Mali with a ruler named "Musa" ("Mansa" means "Sultan")?

Vast wealth does not simply vanish into thin air. Either that 25 million lbs of gold is hidden in the desert somewhere or it never existed to begin with.


Midder Peenud Hayed
03-13-2019, 09:02 PM

Thank you, kind sir.

The fact is, because niggers lacked sophisticated alphabet-based systems of written communication, the entirety of their history was recorded by non-niggers. Every single nigger historical claim from "We wuz Gypshuns an' sheeeit" to the laughable myth of ancient nigger mariners, to the biggest historical joke of all -- nigger "kangs an' kweens" and their "empires", almost all of nigger "history" is completely bogus.

Even their history here in America.

Take the example of Harriet Tubman. A nigger slave named "Harriet Tubman" did exist. That's where the facts end and the fancy begins. Supposedly sow Tubman escaped from slavery in Maryland and knuckled to Philadelphia. It subsequently made over a dozen trips back to rescue her fambly and dozens of fellow niggers.

The problem is, like all niggers, Tubman was illiterate. It could not read or write. That should raise the first red flag as there is no first-hand account of its monkeyshines. There are no first-hand witness accounts. The entire fable came from Tubman itself and was immediately accepted as fact by the abolitionist do-gooders in Philly. Tubman's entire story is completely uncorroborated. I'm sure there are elements of truth in the narrative, but when one begins to dig, Tubman (whose slave name was "Minty"), had a very active imagination, and was a complete wacko.

The same thing is true with nigger Crispus Attucks, who according to the revisionists was the first American casualty of the Revolutionary War. Dig into that one a little further and you will find that an outright lie.

And on and on and on... I have yet to find a common nigger history myth that isn't problematic in one way or another.

Don't even get me started on the completely phony Rosa Parks fable!