View Full Version : Nigger Robs Mooselimb Convenience Store, sets customer on fire

02-22-2019, 09:54 PM
Authorities say Thompson entered the Pit Stop on Link Street around 10 a.m. and demanded cash from the register.
The robber ordered a clerk and a customer to sit on the floor and bound them with duct tape, police said. Then he doused them with lighter fluid and tried to set them on fire, witnesses told police. https://www.dallasnews.com/news/crime/2019/02/22/woman-hospitalized-dallas-after-robber-tied-set-fire-gas-station-police-say

He then made away with an undetermined amount of money, but Harvey estimates it to be at least several hundred dollars.
The woman was able to extinguish the fire and suffered burns to her head and hair. The injuries are not life-threatening. She was transported to Parkland Hospital in Dallas.
The woman was Hispanic but you bet this ape won't get a hate crime added on. When they attack, it's ok!

Nappy Meal
02-23-2019, 02:01 AM
Hate Crimes only apply to White Males, and occasionally others if they bash on the Homo's.

Buck Simian
02-24-2019, 08:13 PM
Dont watch, this will piss you off.


Fucking NIGGER. He did it because they are white.

Midder Peenud Hayed
02-24-2019, 08:32 PM
If the average Human knew the Satanic evil of the nigger, niggers everywhere would be crated and shipped back to the Mudderland and left to rot.

Whitey Ford
02-24-2019, 09:12 PM

02-25-2019, 10:57 AM
IDK, that shit ape doesn't fit the Dead Milkmen fan profile too well. That was a great song about Jim Morrison, btw

02-25-2019, 05:32 PM
What a frigging monster this burr head is doing that to somebody he doesn't even know. They should put a lighted Roman Candle up his arrogant black arse! What a nigger!

02-26-2019, 04:37 AM
Please DO watch this. Show it to everyone. IMHO, there should be a cable channel dedicated to showing heinous niggardry 24/7.....ChimpTV, GroidTube, The Ebola CHANnel, Ghetto Central, whatever......people need this shit force fed to them until they wake the hell up.