View Full Version : Sandshark hooker gets beaten to death, oh well

12-28-2018, 10:52 AM
What did she expect? Tender treatment, maybe landing a rich oil company owner?

Zahid Naseem, 48, paid Abbotts, a high-end sex worker, for a one-night rendezvous in May. He claims he “acted in self-defense” when he whacked her in the back of the head with a pestle, killing her, on her 29th birthday. He said he was afraid he was “being strangled to death in a sex game” gone awry, Sky News reported.

Prosecutor Christopher Tehrani told the court Naseem stayed in the apartment for 12 hours following the killing, even sending explicit photos and videos to another sex worker.


12-30-2018, 02:37 AM
Dumbassed sand nigger. You give someone their age in whacks on the ass for their birthday, not a single blow to the back of the head with a weighted object. You're doing it wrong...

Buck Simian
12-30-2018, 07:30 AM
Abbotts’ father said in a statement that he looked forward to one day walking his daughter down the aisle.
"I was hoping one day to walk her down the aisle. She would have been such a beautiful bride. Instead, we had to take her in a coffin,” he said.

What did you expect? Your daughter was a prostitute. No man in his right mind would have ever married her!