View Full Version : Heroic Miami Beach cop knocks TNB starting Dindu clean out! (Feel good video of the day)

Whitey Ford
12-14-2018, 03:13 PM
You really should check out the video at the link, it is really Police work at it's finest. If all Police handled dindus like this, TNB rates would go down rapidly.

Video captures Miami Beach cop punching unarmed black man at restaurant (https://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/421097-video-captures-miami-beach-cop-punching-unarmed-black-man-in)

A Miami Beach police officer has been relieved of patrol duties after a colleague released footage of him sucker punching an unarmed black man earlier this month.

The officer who released the video is asking for whistle-blower protection after he leaked footage of the altercation outside a restaurant on Dec. 3 to the Miami Herald, the newspaper reported Wednesday.

The footage shows Lowell Poitier Jr., a 35-year-old homeless man from Orlando, approaching a group of officers and grabbing something from a menu stand.

Poitier was reportedly calling two women “f——-g gringas,” a Spanish word for white women. When officers arrived, he allegedly acted agitated and called them “crackers," according to the police report.

The dindu was even using racial slurs and still the cop gets demonized. SMDH! :pat

12-14-2018, 05:16 PM
Nigger was baiting for a fight, he got it. Usually the niggers hit first but this instance it backfired on it. Once niggers got rights and coddlers support them, it's tougher for law enforcement.

12-14-2018, 07:15 PM
Nigger was looking for the nigger lottery and baited the cop into it.

Cops and most of us humans are sick and tired of uppity niggers.

12-14-2018, 07:18 PM
Great right hand; the only thing missing was the wood shampoo.

SC Anemia
12-14-2018, 08:02 PM

5602 :lol