View Full Version : VIDEO: Coral Springs Police Punching a 14 Year Old MiniSow

SC Anemia
10-22-2018, 05:06 PM
Of course Mammy is outraged and wants answers. And...as usual, there is more to this battle sow in-training than meets the eye.


. The beginning of the incident went like this, the Twitter post said:

The girl was with a group of unruly teens harassing shoppers and causing a scene, mall security told police.
A mother had reported that one of the teens pushed her 5-year-old down. And security said they saw the girl hit another teen.
Police gave the teens a trespass warning and banned them from the mall. But before the officers had even left the property, they were notified that the troublemakers were back.
When police arrested one of the boys in the group, the girl cursed and tried to rile up the rest of her friends, police said.

When they tried to arrest her, she resisted.

“Due to her stature and aggressive behavior, officers took her to the ground, attempting to get her to release her fists,” the police department’s tweet said. “In order to have her comply, she was struck in the side to release her clenched fists — she was then handcuffed.”

She continued to resist when she was put into a patrol car and “violently kicked” one of the officers, police said.


Cracka Jack
10-22-2018, 05:18 PM
ABC news, all of the TeeVee news organizations -- are enemies of white civilization for promoting this sort of nigger whine.

In a sane world, mamma sow would get at least a dozen lashes with a whip for raising an incorrigible little shit monster.

Rape Ape
10-22-2018, 05:51 PM
Not wise by the cops. Too much of a chance getting AIDS from the sherillette. They should have used standard issue police batons, or the electric bullwhip, followed by a generous application of nigger seasoning. :lol
Of course, the nigrette deserved every bit if it. :bat:whip

10-22-2018, 07:26 PM
Just like the Rodney King incident the media does not show what led up to this behavior by the police. She was an out of control she boon which are dangerous animals and have to be treated firmly and cautiously because they will scratch, kick, spit, kick, pummel and chimp out on any body especially authoritative figures.
She should been tasered and tenderized with a billy club.

10-23-2018, 01:25 AM
It looks bad because it's shown out of context. Taser would have been more efficient and less personal, so it wouldn't have been seen as a hate action. Of course I'm sure that big monkey was talking shit and asked for it.

10-23-2018, 08:46 PM
Looks like TNB to me. Kicking and screaming while claiming you're not resisting? I guarantee this nigger was running her mouth and started the altercation.

Rastus Nigger
10-28-2018, 09:02 PM
Would have been better if the animal control had stomped the sheboon's head into paste.

10-29-2018, 11:06 PM
Why, WHY???? For fuck's sake, this is WHY the fucking taxpayer buys you the fucking taser that you have!