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View Full Version : Nigger pastor in Zimbabwe tries to walk on water like Jeebus, gets eaten by crocs..

05-15-2017, 08:23 AM
Jonathan Mthethwa was trying to show his congregation how Jesus walked on water by crossing what is locally known as Crocodile River on foot.

However, he did not make it across the river in Zimbabwe.

The pastor, from the Satin of the Last Days church, managed to get around 90ft into the river before trying to climb onto the surface of the river.

All that was left of him was his underwear and his sandals.

Eyewitness Deacon Nkosi told the Daily Post: ‘The pastor taught us about faith on Sunday last week.

‘He promised he would demonstrate his faith to us today, but he unfortunately ended up drowning and getting eaten by three large crocodiles in front of us.

‘We still don’t understand how this happened because he fasted and prayed the whole week. They finished him in a couple of minutes. :lol


05-15-2017, 11:07 AM
And for his next miracle he gets reborn as crocodile shit.

SC Anemia
05-15-2017, 01:20 PM
he fasted and prayed the whole week

What a selfish bastard! He could have at least bulked-up instead of fasting and made it worth the crocs effort. :lol

justin igger
05-15-2017, 03:34 PM
Those crocs must have been really hungry...to resort to eating nigger flesh.

Rape Ape
05-15-2017, 03:55 PM
This is why niggers belong in Africa. There are plenty of natural predators like crocodiles, lions, and ebola infected bats to keep their population under control. (As long as stupid humans don't intervene, unfortunately.)

05-15-2017, 04:19 PM
I wonder what all the niggerlovers in the holy roller community have to say about this :lol

Bernie Goetz
05-15-2017, 06:14 PM
And for his next miracle he gets reborn as crocodile shit.


05-17-2017, 03:01 PM