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View Full Version : I just want to smell it I'm not going to taste it!

Buck Simian
09-23-2018, 07:21 AM
This is from a couple years back. This Sheboon no longer works at the company and neither do I thank God. But the things she did maybe want to laugh and puke. She had this habit of coming into the break room and going from table to table telling people oh your food smells good oh, let me smell that! I'm not going to touch it or taste it just let me smell it. Then she would stick her nasty face and nigger nose down in these people's plate and take a big wiff of their food.
Niggers, being so nosey pigs that they are constantly want to know what you are eating or what you are going to be eating. That is the main concern with niggers during the work day. What are you eating? What is for lunch? Do you want to order out with me? Myself, I always would sit in the corner of the break room and a small table that seats only two people facing away from everyone else. Kept quiet and brought in the blandest food as not to attract attention from the niggers.

09-23-2018, 03:30 PM
I think niggers do that hoping they'll be offered some. A bit here, a bit there, and they might get an entire second meal. A sow in the break room once started saying how good my steak looked, how happy I must be. I ignored it. Yes, it was leftover sirloin, but happy? More like content with that I worked hard to buy and cook.

Whitey Ford
09-24-2018, 03:13 AM
Niggers at buffets are usually the worst. Some fat guy had a piled high plate of fried rice and orange chicken walking through the Chinese buffet. He passes a table with a bunch of niggers at it, and one of the niggers goes: "Dat do look like a five dolla portion!" And my gf at the time looked at me and said "Let's go someplace else next time." The food wasn't really any good and you got nigger commentary the whole time you were eating. Gross.