View Full Version : Chinese landlord is going to prison for renting out to Muslims.

Cat fur allergic
08-21-2018, 01:21 AM

That learn him. Chinese prisons are real prisons!

08-21-2018, 07:15 AM
Holy shiite! Damn that was a surprise!
We should enact the same laws here.
And why did the stupid news rag say it was racism? They are Chinese.

Sheboon DeLuxe
08-21-2018, 10:16 AM
Me too. Someone around here is renting to them, 'cuz I see more and more of the shifty eyed fuckers loping around my neighborhood. It should be a crime to rent to niggers in a nice white neighborhood.

Odin's balls
08-21-2018, 01:44 PM
'The group is regularly banned from staying at hotels or other forms of accommodation'.

Good. The Chinese are not messing about with these terrorist scum.

If the muslims want to live in the 9th century they don't need houses.

Just a goat and something to tether it to.

Rape Ape
08-21-2018, 05:31 PM
The asslifters can live out in the Gobi Desert in tents like the dune coons they are.
Fuck the Snivel Rights Movement. It used to be you could have zoning rules the prohibited renting or selling houses to nogs or other undesirables, like goatfuckers. We need to go back to those days.

Buck Simian
08-22-2018, 08:23 AM
We always hear these liberals talking about how white Americans could stand to learn so much from other cultures and countries around the world. This time I agree, we should learn from this and do it ourselves. Lock these people up who help to flood the country with muslims - and niggers as well.